Chapter 14

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~Sora POV~

~Begin Dream~

Sora stood in a flat, dark landscape. She shuddered as she remembered the last time she was here. She looked around for signs of masked bladers or Theodore but saw nothing. "Hello?" Sora said, sounding more like a question. A bright purple light began to float in front of her. Curiosity took over Sora and she touched the light. Her surroundings changed to a purple colored forest and the air became colder. "Hello Sora." A cold, familiar voice said. Sora spun around and saw her copy staring at her with dull yellow eyes and an evil smile on its face. "You. You're supposed to be dead!" Sora growled. "You may have gotten rid of me last time Sora. But I'm back and better than ever." Sora's copy said. Sora growled and got into a fighting position. "Nah ah ah. You'll have to deal with them first." Sora's copy said, waving its right pointer finger and then gesturing to its right. Sora turned her head and saw so many familiar faces. Katsumi, Fubuki, Suou, Toko, Wakiya, Rantaro, Diago, and others. The blader leading them shocked Sora. It was none other than Aiger Akabane. Their hair was a dull color just like when Sora and Shu had been under Ashtem's control. But their eyes were a purple color. "Katsumi? Fubuki? Diago? Rantaro? Wakiya? Ken? Toko?" Sora asked. The bladers just growled in response, their purple colored eyes filled with hatred towards the white and gold haired blader. "Guys? It's me, Sora." Sora said, trying to reason with her friends. "Try as you might they won't listen to you." A new voice said. Aiger stepped aside to reveal Phi, the red and blue eyed blader walked towards Sora with a smirk on his face. "What have you done to them?" Sora growled. "I told you I would destroy everything you loved. And I will do so right in front of your eyes." Phi said. Sora turned around to see Valt, Free, and Lui laying on the ground in pools of blood. "No. Nonono!" Sora yelled as she ran towards them. She kneeled beside Valt who was laying on his left side and saw that he had been shot in the chest. His eyes were closed peacefully as if he was sleeping. "No...Valt." Sora whimpered. She stood up, knowing there was nothing she could do for her fallen friend. She walked to Free who was sitting against a tree and kneeled beside him. He had been stabbed in the chest, his eyes were dull and half open in shock. "I'm sorry Free." Sora whimpered. She struggled to hold back her tears as she stood up. She walked over to Lui who was laying on his back and saw that he had been shot in the chest. His eyes were dull and wide with pain and his mouth was slightly open as if he had struggled to breathe. "Lui..." Sora whimpered as she kneeled beside him. "I...I-I'm sorry. I couldn't save you this time." Sora whimpered. Her head hung low for a moment as she let a few tears fall. "I'm not done yet. Haven't you noticed that someone is missing?" Phi asked. Sora stood up and turned around to see Shu laying on his right side beside Phi's feet. His crimson eyes were wide with fear and pain. His shirt and vest were stained with blood on his right side. "Sora!" Shu yelled, reaching his left hand out to the white and gold haired blader. Phi jerked the albino blader to his feet and held a knife to his throat. "Please, don't- don't hurt him!" Sora pleaded. "I told you that I would destroy everything you love. Shu here is the person you care for most." Phi said. Sora's eyes widened as Phi pressed the knife to Shu's neck, making a small amount of blood trickle down his neck and causing the albino blader to whimper in pain. "No, stop! Please!" Sora begged. Phi ignored the gold eyed blader's plead and slit Shu's throat before letting the crimson eyed blader fall to the ground. "NOOO!" Sora screamed. She rushed towards the albino blader and kneeled beside him. Shu coughed and gasped for air, blood was already trickling from the right corner of his mouth. Sora put her right hand on the wound in Shu's neck, trying to stop the bleeding. "Stay with me Shu, just hold on. Please." Sora whimpered. Shu layed his left hand over Sora's right hand. Sora looked into his eyes and saw the life fading from them. "No, please just stay with me. Please don't go." Sora pleaded. Shu's body went limp and his eyes turned dull and clouded over, he was gone. Sora removed her hand from the wound and stared at Shu's lifeless eyes. She lifted Shu into her arms and hugged him tightly. She let the tears fall freely as she cried. "You've lost everything. Your family, your friends, your lover. You have nothing, so what's the point in keeping you alive?" Phi said. Sora heard several footsteps approaching, she looked up to see the bladers slowly coming towards her. She gently laid Shu's body on the ground and stood up. "Please, don't do this." Sora pleaded, slowly backing away from the bladers. "Destroy her." Phi said, smirking. Aiger lunged at Sora, causing the white and gold haired blader to jump back and out of his reach. She turned and ran through the forest with the bladers thundering behind her. She jumped over fallen trees and boulders jutting out of the ground as she attempted to lose her pursuers. She skidded to a halt at the edge of a cliff, the river rushing below. Sora turned and faced the bladers, watching as they slowly walked towards her. She growled and got into a fighting position. "If I'm going to die, I might as well go down swinging." Sora said. The bladers charged at her, she fought with all the strength she could muster. She kept feeling knives being stabbed into her back, chest, and stomach. She felt her legs give out and she collapsed to the ground, laying on her right side. The bladers backed away and stood in a circle around the gold eyed blader. Sora wheased and coughed as she tried to lift herself off of the ground. Katsumi walked up to her and kicked her ribs, knocking the air out of Sora and causing a few of her ribs to break. Sora's arms gave out and she collapsed to the ground once more. She coughed up blood and growled at the bladers that were surrounding her. The bladers in the middle stepped to the side allowing Phi to walk to Sora and stand in front of her. "You won't get away with this." Sora growled. "Who's going to stop me?" Phi asked. "We will stop you." Sora replied, her breath raspy. "I'm afraid that you'll be dead by then." Phi said. He aimed a gun at the white and gold haired blader's chest and pulled the trigger. Sora let out one last yelp of pain before her body went limp and her eyes turned dull and clouded over.

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