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Please ignore any grammar mistakes, my laptop isn't working and I don't have 'Gramarly' downloaded in the other so there might be some grammar mistakes I missed. So sorry and thank you for tuning in with me, In sha Allah once I get the laptop fixed I will 're-edit.

@AnImperpectMuslimah is the writer of an Islamic spiritual book 'The Beautiful Bond'.

And indeed today we will interview this writer reading some awesome answers of her's.

I really enjoyed the interview and hopefully you will love it as well.

Who motivated you to start writing?

I think the motivation came when I found the way every writer gets recognized for his or her work sooner or later on Wattpad..like I thought trying would not destroy anything yeah? And I've always loved reading! So I thought why not try doing what gives me peace for the first time?

A unique answer. Great!

Where do you get inspiration for your content from?

I always make the different kind of scenarios in my mind. And it's not very ideal but I have a lot of what ifs moving around in my head! Like you get me? When every time you end up thinking of what if this happen or this does not happen? Basically I'm an over thinker so when I get sick of my useless thoughts I try to think of a plot in mind instead. You feel it's weird right? Don't worry I can completely understand *sheepishly grinning*.

Did you ever expect your book to flourish to such an extent?

Honestly I've a very few readers for now. But they like what I write from what I have assumed, so I'm satisfied with it for now Alhamdulillah! 

How do you tackle haters?

Alhamdulillah! I haven't had to tackle any until now. And I don't know what would be my reaction had I had to be in the situation. But I'd either completely ignore them or politely tell them to not continue if they do not like what I write! Like criticism is always welcome, but being judgmental and pointing the other person down is not really my thing.

Outside and inside Wattpad, name your top 3 favorite writers?

Inside Wattpad of course @HopesPrayersNSmiles aka Sarah I love love looove the way she writes! Her winged dreams, 11 days of halal dating, BM3 and Bowled Over By The Broken!!! It has my heart truly and I'm so thrilled that she is finally a published writer Ma Sha Allah! It's totally deserving.

Outside Khaled Hosseini, the kite runner..ahh can't find enough words! He is truly an inspiration and Ravinder Singh.. I've read his own real story through his book I too had a love story and I've liked his writing since then. 

Oh really I wasn't aware that she's a published writer Ma Sha Allah! Which book got published?

How often do you update your books?

I feel really embarrassed to acknowledge the fact that I've not updated for quite a while. But I'm working on the next update and In Sha Allah it will be out soon and then in Sha Allah I'll be consistent.

In Sha Allah!

How long does it take you to write a chapter and how many words does it usually contain?

It totally depends on the free time I get and if I am getting the satisfaction in what I'm writing. If I'm satisfied with scenes then with a flow I'll complete the draft in 3 to 4 days..and if not then I may even take months to complete a single update.


If offered, will you want to collaborate with a writer and write a book? 

May be or may be not. Depends on the plot actually...if I like the suggested plot or the plot I suggest to the other then of course...otherwise writing what I myself don't like..I don't think I could do that.

How did you come up with your username?

AnImperfectMuslimah! The name itself says the story though! I'm an imperfect muslimah and I try to remind it myself again and again so that I can push myself to be a better a version of myself.

What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?

I honestly don't expect a lot really! I know readers prefers to do what they like..so a tap on the star is enough to make my day...but the continuous support through sticking with till the last bit of my journey even without voting or commenting would also be okay. Genuinely!

How did you discover Wattpad?

I used to follow a group of readers on Facebook when I had an account there...so a story I was interested in was shifted on Wattpad and that's how I installed Wattpad and found some amazing stories in here!!

When did you start writing? 

It's been more than a year since I started. I'm still working on progress though!!

What do you like most and least about writing? 

I like the most when the chapters turns out exactly like what I'd thought..like when I read my own writing and find it thrilling and satisfying. The least if of course the writers block! I hate it when I get struck in the middle of writing a very good chapter suddenly just because I'm unable to mold words efficiently!!

What is the reason for your writing?

To give my thoughts a place to reside? Yup I love to read my own writings at times..you never know when I am leaving a part of myself in bits here and there.. *wink wink*

If you could be any character out of any of your book who would you choose and why?

I think I'd like to be  Mehvish..but I know for a fact that it is practically impossible for me.

What is one advice you would give to a new writer?

I think to be satisfied with what you write and to keep writing not caring about the response...

Anything you had like to add?

Of coarse! Jazakillah khair for having my interview..hopefully I didn't bore you with my ramblings though..I thought I talked a real lot than I actually do..sorry for that. It was lovely to answer your all the questions ❤❤

It was lovely to interview you as well, good luck on your book and if we get more books to read in future by you.

Good Luck for everything, loved the interview!!!

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