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@Sana8904 is an exclusive writer and loves to write to satisfy herself and her audience. She is the last writer I have interviewed and mentioned before as one of those writer who deserves 1000's of reads but her book is establishing day by day.

She has written a wonderful book in which Laila, a normal girl meets a car accident and wakes up to be in someone's body looking like a vampire. Everyone is treating her like someone she never knew. Laila needs one thing and that is ANSWERS!!!

Will she enjoy this new magical world journey or will it be a disaster? Will she be normal? Will she ever meet James again?

Read her universal,undisputed and astronomical book to find out!

@Sana8904 believes that life is tough and we all wish we were tougher but life runs us over and we keep wishing. And to prove her deem she has penned down another book 'Wish I was a Superhero' in which she gives life lessons and much more.

Who motivated you to start writing?

When I was younger I loved reading. The idea of a fantasy world amazed me. My imagination became a life beyond my life. When I heard about Wattpad I thought I could try to put some colour on a blank page. So I began experimenting!


Where do you get inspiration for your content from?

My imagination!

How do you tackle haters?

I don't get any haters well not yet at least. <3

And In Sha Allah it will continue this way :)

Outside and inside Wattpad, name your top 3 favorite writers?

Outside Wattpad I like Stephanie Garber, John Green, and Stephen King!

Stephanie Garber and John Green are surely excellent!

How often do you update your books?

Every so often but I try my best to upload more!

How long does it take you to write a chapter and how many words does it usually contain?

I write in a span of days but I only write for 20-30 minutes per day. I have a busy life so I can't update as often as I would like. I used to write shorter chapters and update them quickly but the number of words increased slowly. The largest amount of words I've written are approximately somewhere above 4000.

4000! That's pretty much!

If offered, will you want to collaborate with a writer and write a book?

Yeah totally! 

What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?

Everyone likes a positive reaction but that's likely very unrealistic to expect that from all readers. Either way, I'd like to hope for a more optimistic version of reality.


How did you discover wattpad?

I discovered it a long time ago but I only used it to read books...not to write them. Slowly I got out of touch with the app and lost that account among the abyss of forgotten accounts. Then only a while back my friends reminded me of it and it brought back a sea of memories so I thought to give it another go but this time I was more open to writing something and so the story unfolds.

That's great!

When did you start writing?

A while back but I started to care for it only recently. 

What do you like most and least about writing?

Writing is a form of art. There are different variations to it and you don't have to like each piece you set your eyes upon. For me, I'd say I'm not a fan of writing something only to read it over and over again. The piece loses its magic with time if read more time than necessary.But I love unfolding a story. It's magical. I'm not the best but I try. I hope to improve a lot more with time and gain the knowledge to convey the story the way it plays in my head.

Beautifully answered!

What is the reason for your writing?

I already said this but I love to convey a story. The magic filled around it really is wonderful.

If you could be any character out of any of your book who would you choose and why?

I wouldn't be a character. Well, at least I wouldn't want to. For example, in my book "The Rise of a Blood Queen" the main character Laila goes more than I'd ever want to go through. It makes her who she is and she isn't me. Same goes for the other characters but of course, since it's an ongoing book and their past haven't been explored yet I can't say any more. 

That is true! You have tortured her a lot. Just kidding, it's a part of the book!

What is one advice you would give to a new writer?

I won't say I'm good at advice or much of anything for that matter but I have learned a few gems along my journey.

1) Don't write too fast! Take your time and proofread your work! You don't have a deadline to meet!

2) You don't have to use overly hard words or expressions right when you start. Take your time to incorporate them into your vocabulary before using them. That way words won't feel wonky and out of place.

3) Start reading books with a critical eye and expand your knowledge while understanding how others have expressed their stories.

4) You'll get better but it won't happen in a day so don't eat your brain with thoughts of giving up or feeling that you're not as good as others. That's mainly it! If you're a new writer I wish you the best of luck on your journey <3

Amazing advises!

Oh I absolutely loved this interview, it was so good! Go check out this amazing writer's book!

And don't forget to vote and comment down you favourite writer under 'INSTRUCTIONS'

Thank you so much!

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