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Sasha's P.O.V


A woman chases a little girl around a room. "I'm going to get you мое сердце!" The woman said. The little girl ran and hid under a table. The woman laughed and scoops her up. Her face falls and she sighs. "I have to go now мое сердце." She said. The little girls eyes welled up with tears. "мамочка please don't leave me!" The little girl cried. The
woman sighed and set her down.
"мое сердце I have to go. I will be back. I promise." The woman said.
"мамочка?" The girl asked. "Yes?" The woman asked. "I love you." The girl whispered. "I love you too baby." The woman said.

I jolted up in bed. I ran a hand in my hair and sighed. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and get dressed. I braid my long red hair and head to the training room. I start punching the bag. Why did I keep getting these dreams of that lady and the little girl? I hear footsteps behind me and turn, breathing heavily. I see Quinton, a leader of Hydra.

Quinton: Agent Romanova.
Me:*rolls eyes* What do you want Quinton?
Quinton: Impending immediately, you are on the assassination of the Avengers.

I smirk and head to my room. I get dressed in black leather pants and a long sleeve shirt and a mask that covers the bottom half of my face with red glasses. I move a brick in the wall and pull out the small box hidden there. Inside was my mother's music box. Smiling softly, I slip it in my pocket and load my knives and guns on my body. I head to the conference room and see Quinton and a few other Hydra Agents.

Me: When do I leave?
Quinton: Now. The Avengers are taking bait at a Hydra facility. These Agents will assist you.
Me:*mutters* Not like I need it.

I turn and head to my bike. I lead the way to the facility and park mile away.

Me: We'll hike from here. Surround them and wait for my signal.
??:*mutters* Я не могу поверить, что мы принимаем заказы от ребенка.(I can't believe we are taking orders from a child.)

I whip around and sweep his legs out from under him. I grab a gun and point it at him with a foot on his chest.

Me:*darkly* Следи за своим животным, ублюдок. Понял?(Watch your tongue you bastard. Got it?)

He nods with a groan and I holster my gun.

Me: Move out.

I creep along the tree line and see the Avengers in the distance. I feel my temper rise and I breathe deeply. Don't let your emotions get the best of you Sasha. I climb a tree and bring my bow out. I knock a tranquilizer arrow and take aim at Scarlett Witch. Something in me hesitates. What am I doing?! They killed my mother! I shake my head and release. It hits her leg and she screams.

Hawkeye: Wanda!

I release another and he dodges. I climb higher to get out of their sight.

Me: Go.

The hidden agents spring from their hiding places and attack. After watching a minute, I shoot another arrow at the ex Winter Soldier. It lands in his human arm and he goes down with a groan.

Captain America: Bucky!
Iron Man: Friday scan.

I load am electric arrow and shoot it at Iron Man. I watch with a smirk as he crashes. I sling my bow over my shoulder and grab two guns. I start shooting at Falcon and Hawkeye shoots an arrow towards me. I grab a branch and do a backflip out of the tree, landing in a crouch. I start shooting at the and walk closer.

Captain America: We don't want to hurt you.
Me:*snorts* Чушь собачья. Тебе все равно, кого ты обидел.(Bullshit. You don't care who you hurt.)

I see their confused faces and feel Hydra agents come behind me. I draw my bow and knock an arrow. I fire it at them and run forward. I was glad Scarlett Witch was down. Now we have to get Vision. Then it should be easy to get the others. I fire arrows at the android before throw a smoke bomb at my feet. I maneuver behind him and fire two electric arrows in his back. He falls to the ground and I duck as a arrow flies above my head.

Hawkeye: Don't make me hurt you kid.
Me:*folds bow into staff* Don't worry.

He runs at me and we fight. I see an opening and jump, wrapping my legs around his neck, landing on top of him. I punch him and his eyes roll into the back of his head. I stand up and roll as a kick throws me to the side. I stand and slide my bow into my back.

Spider Man: What do I do Mr. Stark?!
Iron Man: Web her up!

The red and blue clad spider swings towards me and I grab my guns. I shoot at him and duck as a white thing flies at me. He lands in front of me and knocks the guns out of my hands. I send punches at him but he dodges. Frustrated, I headbutt him and he throws me against a tree. His arm goes against my throat and he rips my mask and goggles off.

Spider Man: Woah....

I take advantage of his distracted attitude and stab a knife into his side. He groans and I kick him away. I race into the forest and hop onto my bike, speeding back towards base.

Me: This is so cool!
Noel:*chuckles* Yeah.
Me: Let's go see the girls.
Noel: Okay Winter.
Me:*turns to camera* Have a great evening guys!!
*Camera goes dark*

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