Chapter 1- Well Shit

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(WARNING: In case you didn't read the description, I'm giving another fair warning here about what this story will have in it. Expect very sexual themes, lots of cursing, lesbian-centered romance (fight me) the likes. If that ain't the shit you like, then this isn't the shit for you. And this kind of shit will be pretty much consistent throughout the entire story, so I won't really bother with any specific warnings per chapter. You all get one. Two, counting the description. You have been warned)

Charles' POV
Mondays, the end of the weekend. Or the beginning of the week. Kinda one of those "glass half full" scenarios, depending on how you look at it. We've all seen Garfield, all those different Facebook memes posted by the international moms of the world about Mondays and how they're the bane of everyone's existence. We all hate the first day of school, which brings a close to our fun-filled typically non-productive summer. Apparently, however, my school board has never heard of either of these infamous opinions, or just didn't care, because my first day of Junior High came on, you guessed it, a Monday. So I think you can get where I'm coming from when I say that on that day, August 19th, 2019 to be exact, I was rather reluctant to haul my ass out of bed. If it wasn't for my mother's consistent nagging, I probably would've ended up being engulfed in the warmth of my comforter; never to be seen again. Unfortunately for me, it was time to end this inner monologue and get the hell up.

I half-hazardly threw off my very comfy comforter (wonder if that's why it's called that) and rose from my bed. A nice long stretch followed shortly after, to give my various, tired joints a good awakening. Not wanting to waste any more time, as I could smell my breakfast, I hopped out of my room and rushed down the stairs to see my mom in the kitchen working away at some eggs and bacon.
"Took you long enough" she said to me as I eagerly took a seat at the counter.
"I thought I was gonna have to send Brian up to wake you" she knowingly teased.
"It was mostly the food that got me up" I replied as I ran my hand through my light- brown, and frankly messy, hair. I watched as she plated the bacon and set it aside tantalizingly.
"Well you'll have to wait for everyone else before you start eating. You know the rules" I had never been so appalled before in my life.
"Don't tell me you woke me up just so I could sit here and wait some more?! There're truly punishments worse than death" I was a very extravagant and over-the-top kid when I wanted to be. I don't know how my mom put up with it for so long.
"No, I woke you up to give you this" She pointed to a neatly wrapped box farther down the counter that I hadn't even noticed when I first arrived. I grabbed the box, intrigued, and gave it a few good shakes for curiosity's sake.
"Just open the damn thing already." Yes, we were THAT kind of family. I tore the paper off of the small box and pulled the fully unwrapped thing out.
"It's.. a knock off Apple Watch?" She shook her head and set down her spatula.
"It's not "knock off", it's school-issued. Everyone's getting one, it's supposed to help with taking tests and what not in class; yours is just covered by your scholarship"
"So they use their budget to get everyone cool watches for school, but because I'm not paying them fully, I get the knock off"
"It's not a knock off, there's other brands than just Apple"
"I think I'd rather take a leapfrog at this point" she grabs her spatula off the table and points it threateningly at me.
"Charles, just use the damn thing. I don't need you getting in trouble on your first day back" I raise my hands in self defense.
"Alright, alright just please, put the spatula down ma'am" she rolls her eyes as she goes back to focusing on the food.
"Go get ready for school, we'll be eating shortly" and figuring it's best I don't piss her off anymore, I head off to do so. Of course, as soon as I get upstairs I see my stepsister Ashley occupying the bathroom, a million different accessories laid out in front of her.
"You really need all that?" I ask as I lean against the doorframe, earning a hard stare from her in return.
"Yes, Charles. I do. It's the first day back at school for my SENIOR YEAR. It would do you some good to at least run a comb through your hair." Yikes.
"Cut me some slack, I haven't had much chance yet. Had to deal with mom first" I apparently don't warrant a response, because she goes right on fixing up her bright red hair, arguably the most distinct feature about her, for probably the 15nth time already. Wondering why I even attempted to converse with her, I walk off back into my room. Knowing it'll be a good while before I can go shower, I plop down on my bed and eye the box in my hand.
"Might as well pass the time somehow" I say out loud to myself, for reasons unknown to me. I carefully open the box and slide the smart watch out of its casing.
"Doesn't look bad" I, again say aloud to no one in particular whilst attaching the watch to my arm.
"Bootleg apple product, here we go!" False enthusiasm is clearly my strong suit. After a short load up, the screen on the watch brings me to a fancy transition before showing the main attraction.
""Avatar creation?" Create your custom avatar for your personalized Elo Watch experience" I read out to the FBI agent listening within. Quickly scrolling through the options, I see that it's weirdly detailed. Going against my better judgement on the possibility of getting in trouble for this, I decide to go with my gut instinct on these things and make a super hot girl. Cause when you have the ability to be whoever you want, why would you go for yourself? After a few minutes of learning the general layout of the platform and being satisfied with my "avatar" I look on her like a proud dad. In just a few short minutes I've created Chelsea Rift; the new-girl school athlete. Quickly becoming captain of both the varsity basketball and volleyball teams, Chelsea's 5'9, with long jet-Black hair, nice thick thighs and long legs because of course, and an all around tight and shapely ass. For her breasts, I pumped them up to a 36 DDD- not because I had any idea what the hell that meant, but mostly because they looked big. I even had her wearing my school's girl uniform, which I guess the school itself must have had implemented into the watch's database. Of course the uniform was specifically a couple sizes too small, because why wouldn't I make it be. After giving her a once over, I finalize the changes, a small empty bar with the words "UPLOADING CHANGES" across it. Almost instantly I feel a quick shock coarse through my body, making me jump a bit. "Stupid fucking knock off bullshit" I mutter as the bar starts to slowly fill up. I sigh and fall back onto my bed, closing my eyes in the hopes that I can lose all consciousness. I feel a warm tingly feeling pass through my body as I drift off into the ever-expanding cosmos. It feels like my sense of touch is weirdly heightened in whatever dream-like state I'm in, as I can feel the air around me, the bedsheets clinging to my body, my hair brushing up against my face. Something seems off about that last one, actually. I open my eyes, suddenly acutely aware that things are very wrong. For one, that hair I had felt should not have been there, nor should it have been the dark color that it was. I also took notice that my head was no longer resting on my pillow, and was actually a few inches below it. Lastly I noticed the growing heat in my chest, and the two small bumps poking up from my shirt. Immediately I sat up, my very fucked hair falling all around my face. Pushing it out of the way, I looked down as those two bumps were slowly growing outward. My attention on them didn't last long as I felt a very sharp pain explode from my dick, forcing me to grab at it only to feel nothing there.
"Oh fuck, fuck no" I pull away my shorts and underwear to see, the exact opposite of a dick where a dick should have been.
"Oh shit shit what the fuck!" I jumped off from my bed and ran over to my mirror, where things only got worse. My face was almost completely beautiful and feminine, with that dark black hair cascading down my back. Even my eye color has changed from hazel to a pretty green. I had light freckles on my cheeks and nose that added to my all around cuteness, and I was certainly horrified that I was attracted to myself. My legs were completely void of hair at this point, but were long and strong, same as my arms. Though my thighs had definitely fattened up to a sexy level, and yes, I hated saying that sentence as much as you did reading it. And what I assumed were my breasts were now pushing up tightly against my shirt, which was clearly not meant for holding in such beasts. As soon as it seemed like my shirt would rip, the fabric was suddenly replaced by a button-up shirt, with a bit more room, in front of my very eyes. A sturdy bra soon joined in the fight to contain them, as well as a familiar skirt and a pair of panties. Last, some fancy dress shoes were materialized over my feet.
"Fuck why does it feel so.. good?" It was only after I said this that I realized; my voice was completely different. It sounded so sweet, so innocent. Clearly not me at all.
"Oh god" I sighed out as I sat back down on my bed, clearly noticing how much more pushed up I felt as I did so.
"Why the fuck is this happening?!" I wondered to myself as I started to panic quite a bit. I couldn't lie though, this was definitely one of my greatest fantasies come true. I raised my hands up to my new boobs and grabbed them, instantaneously recoiling at the pure euphoria that pulsed through my entire being. They were certainly as big as I first thought; round and soft, yet stood perky and perfect on my now slimmer build. They were still straining the buttons on the shirt, but as soon as my breasts seemed to stop growing, I heard a loud ding come from the watch that I completely forgot about in all the disarray. Taking a look, I read out the newest notification; "TRANSFORMATION COMPLETE" was written out above a picture of my avatar; a spitting resemblance to what I looked like now.
"Well this is some fucked up knock off if I've ever seen one" I stood up, careful of passing out, as I felt a strange liquid run down my leg. Reaching down, I soon realized exactly what it was, and why my newly formed underwear was suddenly wet.
"Well shit." Was all I had to say in that moment.
"BREAKFAST CHELSEA!" I confusingly heard my mom call. Chelsea? Who the hell was that? I had thought to myself, before realization as to my choice of name on the watch came to me.
"Huh. I guess that's me."

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