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Jacob stayed with me all night. He told me that he had to move again. He was leaving the day after I would be released from the hospital. We tried to spend as much time with each other as possible in the hospital since we would never see each other again. We had mini picnics on the bed and we watched old 80s movies. 

When I got out of the hospital he didn't come visit. I was a little upset but he had to pack to get on the plane the next day. While me and my mom were in the car she tried to make conversation. 

"How are you feeling sweetie"

I shrugged my shoulders and continued to watch the palm trees pass. When we pulled into the garage I quickly jumped up and ran up to my room. When I tried to open it, It was locked. I kicked the door and tried it again and this time it opened. I walked in and turned on  the lights and there was Jacob standing there with a bouquet of daisies. 

"Happy leaving the hospital day!" 

I ran over and hugged him. 

He carefully picked me up (because of my back) and laid me on the bed. He hovered over me and kissed me. He stopped and lifted me into his lap and kissed my face. 

"So do you wanna come to my house and help me pack?" He asked.

I nodded my head and he drove us to his house. 

We talked and packed and made out and made out and made out. I mean we made out a lot, but at the end of the night he took me home. 

"Jennifer, It has been a pleasure knowing you." He said grabbing my hand and bowing. I giggled as he kissed my hand and stood up straight and stared me in the eyes. 

"You know I'll always love you right?" I whispered. 

He nodded and I noticed a tear run down his face. I wiped it away and kissed his lips and he gently pulled me closer. 

"I love you too baby" he whispered against my lips. 

He held my hand  and stared into my eyes,

"God I'm gonna miss you" he said with a crack in his voice.

A tear escaped my eye and I quickly wiped it away,

"I'm gonna miss you too" I said squeezing his hand.

Before he got in the car he turned and looked back and blew me a kiss. I waved and blew one back then he got in his car and drove off. 

I ran up to my room and jumped on to my bed. I stared up at my ceiling and felt warm tears stream down my face. I was really gonna miss that boy he really changed my life.

As I continued to think about him the more tears came down until my tears ran dry and I fell asleep. 

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