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When Jacob left I pulled out my phone and went to Instagram. I posted a picture of the party and put a sick emoji. All the "fans" asked me if I liked parties and other random things. I responded to some but then I put my phone away. When I looked up, Chresanto was standing across from me; staring me down. I can't believe I let Jacob bring me to this party; I should've just stayed home, did my homework, ate ice cream, and watched The Notebook. Chresanto tried to drug one of my drinks the last time I came to one of his parties when we were sophomores, and when I refused to take his drink he spread a rumour that I let him smash.

I stared him down to show him I wasn't scared of him but he walked over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Wassup Jennifer I see you came back for "more"."

He said with a wicked smile. He was definitely drunk; I pushed his arm off of me and tried to walk away but, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Where you going?"

I struggled to get out of his grip.

"Let me go Chresanto" I said as low as I could; I didn't want to cause a scene.

He tightened his grip then tried to drag me up the stairs. I punched him in his jaw and he fell backwards. He moved his jaw around then shook his head.

"I'll be back Jennifer don't think I'm done"

He walked away tripping over his own two feet and I just rolled my eyes. I crossed my arms and was waiting for Jacob to get back but it was taking him forever. I was about to go look for him but I was stopped by Rachel and Taylor.

"What's the freak doing here?" I heard Taylor ask

I put my hand in her face and tried to walk past but Rachel pushed me back. This is one bold bitch.

"This is not really your scene Jenni." She said mocking the nickname everyone used to call me.

"You should really leave before it gets messy."

Before I could stop it Rachel and Taylor poured two cups of red punch all over me. Everyone looked over as I held my mouth open. The red substance dripped from my hair on to my shoes.

"Rachel I couldn't find..." I heard Jacob's voice trail off.

He stood there in awe just staring at me. Rachel and Taylor were just laughing. I stared at Jacob with big puppy eyes that were about to overflow with tears. I ran through the crowd, out the front door and started walking down the street.

"Jennifer! Jennifer Wait!" I heard Jacob calling behind me, but I kept walking. When he caught up he stood in front of me.

"Jennifer I'm so sorry that happened I didn't know...I'm sorry"

I looked at him and flashed a little smile. I sat on the curb and put my head in my arms. Jacob sat beside me and wrapped me in his arms.

"Now I see why you didn't want to come" he whispered.

I nodded my head then wrapped my arms around his waist with my head in his chest and started bawling. I couldn't hold the tears back. He kissed the top of my head and whispered something spanish in my ear; I cried harder and he just held me until I was done

We walked back to his car and got in. I crossed my arms and looked straight forward.

"Do you wanna hang out just me and you for the rest of the night." Jacob asked.

I looked at him and sighed.

"I honestly just want to go home, finish my homework, eat ice cream, and watch helpless Romance movies."

Jacob smiled and started the car. First we went to his house and he got a bag full of clothes. Then we went to the store and he bought us each a tub of ice cream. Mine was Chocolate Fudge Brownie and his was like Strawberry Shortcake or something. Then we went and got some movies. We got 'About Last Night', 'Grease', 'The Notebook', 'The Last Song', almost every sappy love story movie you could think of. When we pulled up to my house I locked the doors and stopped him from getting out.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him.

I really was curious. He just basically told me he was spending the night and we were gonna stay up and watch movies and eat ice cream.

"I just want to see you happy. I love when you laugh or smile. I hate seeing you in this defensive, angry, state where you shut everyone out. I just want you to let me in. I care about your happiness."

With that he got out the car and closed the door. I smiled to myself then look up to God. Thank you big man.

We only had 'About Last Night' left to watch. We made Keeks while we watched each movie and talked about things we were passionate about through some movies. When I put on 'About Last Night' I jumped on my bed and laid down next to Jacob. I took out my phone and decided to take a picture for Instagram. It was our feet on the edge of my bed and my TV showing the words 'About Last Night' on the screen. I posted it to IG and got at least 1,000,000 likes and comments; I just mentally shrugged. I put down my phone and cuddled closer to Jacob and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

My "fans" can call it what they want all I knew is that I had someone in my corner.

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