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I walked through the door to the house with my mom following close behind. The house wasn’t unpacked yet we still  had furniture in the wrong places and boxes everywhere; The only thing together was our rooms.

"Well she was nice and pretty"

I rolled my eyes,

"I guess" I said walking up the stairs to my room

"We should invite her for dinner one day, I mean she was the first friend you made today"

I shook my head and smiled to myself.

"I'll ask her, mother."

I walked into my room and threw my book bag on my bed. I sat on my desk, opened my laptop, and plugged my  phone into the charger. I changed into some comfortable sweats and decided to leave my shirt off. I grabbed my book bag and sat back at my desk. I pulled my homework out and worked on it for most of the night.

"Jake dinner is ready"

I ran down the steps and made my way into the kitchen. I sat at the small round table and waited for my mom to place my plate in front of me. Tonight for dinner, Enchiladas. I waited for my mother to sit down so we could eat together. When she sat down I started stuffing food into my mouth.

"So what is her name"

I looked up between bites

"Who's name?"

She placed her fork on her plate and looked at me with a smirk on her lips.

"The girl who brought you home today Jacob"

I nearly choked on my food. Mom please let this go.


I looked back at my food and started eating.

"She's cute Jake"

Now it was my turn to drop the fork.

"Moooommm" I said groaning "Please stop."

She raised her hands in surrender.

"Okay I’m done....but one more question"

I raised my eyebrow

"Do you like her"

I rolled my eyes and kept eating. She giggled and finished eating. I got up from the table, washed my  dish and ran back up the stairs.


I got my phone and jumped on my bed. I went to Instagram and saw that Jennifer made a post, well make that two. One was a picture of her outfit today and the other was a screen shot from us both on that Keek app; and the caption said "Afroboy." The picture was actually perfect. It looked like we had taken a selfie except the words ‘Keek’ were at the bottom of the picture. She had the biggest smile on her face, and I was actually looking at her with a smile spread across my lips. I smiled at the picture and went through the comments.


"Omg is that your boyfriend"

"Look how he’s looking at her that is totally adorbs”

"You guy’s hair is awesome OMG I think I’m going to faint"

And those were only a couple. There were thousands of comments, some rude and some nice. I giggled to myself and liked both pictures. I shut off my phone and stared at the ceiling. I thought about Jennifer and what it would be  like to actually have her as my girlfriend; and those thoughts helped me drift off to sleep.

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