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"See you later mom, I don't want to be late for school." I ran out the door while putting on my helmet. I jumped on my motorcycle seat and backed out of the garage. I put the key in the ignition and zoomed off. Since I wasn't trying to be late I couldn't take the long way by the beach to school. I got to Bayville in enough time to go to my locker and get my science book and reading book.I walked into the bathroom and checked the mirror, one of the ups of getting to school a little later. I went over my outfit, Overall with both sides down revealing my shirt that said 'Go Your Own Way.' I had on my vintage hat and Timbs. I looked myself up and down, then rushed out of the bathroom. I had 30 seconds until the late bell rung and my class was all the way down the hall. I got through the door right before the bell rung and sat down in the very front. I took out my science book and my glasses. "Get started on your warm up we'll be going over it in 5 minutes" I placed my notebook and pen on the table, and got started on my warm-up. 

After we went over the warm-up the class door opened and closed. I looked up and saw a Hispanic boy with an afro walk in. He had on a pair of light brown boots and black leather pants. Around his waist was a gray colored jacket which was overlapped by a black leather jacket he was actually wearing. Under the jacket was a white t-shirt and some black necklace. He had hat strings tied around his neck which made the hat hang off his back and to top it all off he had on some black sunglasses. I looked him up and down before I got back to my school work. I didn't have enough time to be admiring some new guy that just walked in, But of course the girls behind me were ranting and raving about how cute he was, and why he had on so many clothes, trying to guess his ethnicity. I turned around in my seat to the group of girls and slammed my hand on the desk. I looked at each one and smiled. "Excuse me but if you don't mind some people in this class are trying to pass. If you want to talk take your ass to the back. I don't need you talking in my ear." I whispered. The girls scoffed and turned in their seats. I turned back around and finished the worksheet.

I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram. I was what people called "Instagram Famous." Mostly because of the clothes I wore and my hair. I had followed some of those people back and they completely fan girled. I didn't know anyone I followed on IG. Most of them were just "fans" or stores that I liked shopping from. Afro boy cam and sat beside me. As he reached into his book bag he looked me over from my feet to my head. He finally sat up with his notebook in his hand. I rolled my eyes and shifted in my seat. I always got uncomfortable when people stared at me, but I tried not to show it. "Excuse me" he said tapping my shoulder, "Can I borrow your warm-up" I looked at him like he was crazy and then just handed him the notebook. "Thanks." He flashed a smile showing his perfect teeth and every girl behind me silently squealed and acted like they were fainting. Some of them were cursing me saying I shouldn't be able to sit next to such a beautiful boy. I silently giggled at the thirst and the struggle these girls were displaying. Finally the bell rang and I picked up my things and stood in front of the new kid with my hand out. He was putting his things in his backpack so I don't think he noticed me. I cleared my throat and he looked up "Oh Yea Sorry" he closed the notebook and handed it to me. "Don't Mention It" I grabbed the notebook and stuffed it in my backpack. I plugged in my headphones and turned on my Corinne Bailey Rae album. Enchantment was playing as I walked through the halls. I went to Twitter

@girlwiththeafro Corinne Bailey Rae in these hectic halls.

I instantly got hundreds of retweets and favorites. I laughed to myself as my phone vibrated with life. half of them didn't even know who she was. I put my phone in my back pocket and walked up the stairs to my English class. There were never that many people up here that's why I liked it so much. I once again sat in the front took out my reading materials and my glasses, and prepared for my next class. 

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