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"I want to be the only guy who makes you smile" Jacob whispered.

I grabbed his face and pulled him down to kiss me. When our lips collided I didn't want to stop. This feeling I have for him was like a high and I don't think I want to come down. I wanted him to hold me, to touch me, to make me feel special; I just wanted to be his and him to be mine. When we finally decided to stop sucking each other's faces, I out my head on his chest while he wrapped his hand around me. I pulled the covers up and got comfortable.

"Goodnight" I said after kissing his chest.

He kissed my hand then held it in his. "Goodnight Jennifer."

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I felt the blankets get yanked off us and my mom pull me by my legs off the bed.

"Ow mom dang it!"

She woke up Jacob and pulled him out the bed too.


Jacob jumped up and put on his shirt. "Mom we didn't have sex!" I yelled.

"WELL WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE! NEITHER ONE OF YOU HAVE CLOTHES ON!" I tried to calm her down but she just slapped my face.

"Ma'am I'm so sorry.." Jacob started but my mom cut him off.

"I don't want you near my daughter ever again! Do you understand me!" She yelled in his face.

Jacob nodded his head with his eyes on the floor.

"Great now get the fuck out." She said pointing to the door.

Jacob quickly grabbed his bag and ran down the stairs and out of the house.

"As for you young lady I will be taking you motorcycle keys."


"Don't 'but' me and if I ever find you around that boy again you'll be heading north to Los Angeles young lady, up to your father!" 

I just nodded my head and laid back on my bed. My mom walked out the room and slammed the door. I quickly grabbed my phone. I sent Jacob a DM then set my phone on the bathroom counter. I started to clean my room and make my bed. I noticed Jacob left his gold chains in my bed, so I took them and placed them on my desk. I took a quick shower and ran down the stairs. I just had on some red sweatpants that said 'Homies' down the side and a plain whit crop top.

"Jennifer! We need to talk" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

I walked in and went to the fridge. I pulled out the bowl of grapes and sat in front of her at the table; I started popping grapes into my mouth,

"Yes mother?" I grumbled.

She looked up and I could see the hurt in her eyes. Did she really think I slept with Jacob? I pushed the bowl of grapes away and placed my hands on the table.

"Jennifer if you are going to have sex do not disrespect me by doing it in my house."

I rolled my eyes and felt my blood boil.

"Mom me and Jacob did NOT have sex! I would not do that to you. Plus don't you think that if we had sex we would've had no clothes on!" I yelled.

My mom slammed her hands on the table and stood up.

"You will not raise your voice at me young lady! I am still your mother and you WILL respect me!"

I slouched in my chair and folded my arms. My mother took a deep breath and sat back down.

"If you guys didn't have sex then what were you doing?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and sat up. "We made out a little bit and it got a little heated but it stopped before anything else could happen." I rushed through my sentence.

My mom put her head in her hands and groaned.

"Mom I've never felt this way about anyone and you know I don't like people but him...he's different." I could feel myself start to smile and instead of stopping it I continued to smile. "He actually cares about me, and you pushed him away. He was everything I wanted...needed"

My mom lifted her head up and shook her head. "I want to actually meet him Jennifer not find him in your bed half naked!" My mom yelled.

She got up from the chair and headed towards the door. "Invite him for dinner tomorrow." She said. then disappeared out the door. 

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