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I stomped into the school and went straight to my locker. I took out my math book and was about to walk on to class when Jacob stopped me by pulling my shirt. "Jennifer wait...please" He sounded so needy so I stopped and took a deep breath and turned around.

"What do you want Jacob I'm going to be late for class"

He smiled that beautiful smile and laughed

"We're both 30 minutes late so we might as well just skip."

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Um excuse me sir, I guess you don’t know, but I'm about to tell you. I have the highest  GPA out of this whole class, and I've never missed a school day let alone skip a class."

He put his hand on my shoulder and then slid his arm around my neck as we started to walk out of the school.

"All the more reason to skip....I think you need a break."

I just kept my mouth closed and let Jacob walk me down to the Jamba Juice around the corner.


After we got our food we sat down outside on the curb.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jacob asked.

I looked at him and smiled, "You just did."

I looked back out towards the street and took a sip of my drink.

"Why do you have so much built up anger."

I leaned back on my hands and looked up at the sky. I didn’t know how to respond to this question. No one ever  asked me that before. Well when me and my mom argued she would always yell ‘why are you so angry’. I looked at Jacob and smiled,

"Because the world is against me."

I stood up and threw away my food then helped Jacob up since he didn’t eat anything. We started walking back to the school but Jacob stopped at the gate. I turned around and walked towards him.

"Whats wrong?' I asked.

He looked in to my eyes with worry on his face,

'What do you mean the world is against you?"

I turned around and started walking to the school. I looked back and our eyes met for a brief second.

"I mean exactly what I said"

I walked into the school, and just as I go through the doors the bell rang for our final class. I grabbed my books from my locker and went straight to class.

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In creative writing we were learning about poetry, my favorite form of writing; but I couldn’t seem to shake what Jacob asked me. What did I mean when I said the world was against me? I mean I know what I mean, but maybe he should try to figure it out. I may look cool and I might have thousands of admirers all over but I still feel empty. Like there is a missing piece. My dad left when I was 9. All the people who I thought were my friends aren't, my mom seems to be done with me because I shut her out, I just have no one in my corner and I don’t know it just gets kind of lonely over here. "Jennifer.....Jennifer!" I quickly shook my head and answered the question on the board.

We spent the rest of class writing different forms of poetry and discussing their deeper meaning. Right on time the bell rang for the end of school, since I have my own vehicle I took some time to put away my books and things. When I walked out I was pulled on the arm by someone; It was Rachel.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

I rolled my eyes and started to walk.

"You want to talk keep up."

She ran up behind me and started talking.

" I really don’t think you should try and taint Jacob with your bad habits, we both know you don’t deal with people nor like them so I think you should cut him the pain and leave him alone."

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face Rachel.

"You're right you know, because you know so much about me. you should tell me who I can and cannot talk to well let me tell you something bitch, next time you talk to me don’t let your mouth be full of shit." I said lowly, pushing her into the lockers.

I looked into her eyes and then walked to my locker.

I grabbed the books I needed, slammed my locker and walked out. Everyone stopped and stared at me and I just kept my eyes open. When I got outside I saw Jacob leaning up on the gate near my bike. I slipped on my helmet and threw him his out the back seat. We hopped on and I drove him home. I wasn’t in the mood for a stop. As soon as he got off the bike, I put the helmet back and left. I didn’t want him asking me a bunch of questions.

I got home and went straight to my room. I have no photo shoot today. So I just changed into some red sweats and a plain black crop top. I threw my hair into a messy bun....well as messy as natural hair can get into a bun then sat on my bed. I started my homework, but the doorbell rang as soon as I started. My mom ran to get the door then called up to me,

“Jennifer! You have a visitor."

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed.

"Coming" I yelled back down.

I slipped on some purple socks and cursed every time I walked down a step. I never get visitors so why today. When I got to to the bottom step, there was Jacob standing on my front step.

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