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As I was driving home when my mom called,

"Jennifer where are you, you should've been home like 20 minutes ago!"

I rolled my eyes.

"I had to take a friend home"

My mother laughed through the phone and even snorted.

"Jennifer you told me you don't have any friends just come home."

I hung up the phone and threw it in the backseat. I turned on the radio and put on Sublime's "What I Got" I let down the windows and opened the sunroof. I bopped my head to the beat and just cruised to my house.

When I got home my mother was standing in front of the garage. I opened it and parked the car. When I parked, I closed the garage door and left her outside.

"Jennifer open this garage door right now."

I walked into the house and went to the front door,

"There is a perfectly fine working front door right here."

She walked to the front door and I walked up the stairs to my room. I threw my book bag on the bed then ran back down the stairs and into the garage.

"Mom I'm going to Jackson's house"

She walked in from the kitchen and waved goodbye. I grabbed my phone out of the backseat of the car and hopped on my motorcycle and rode to Jackson's house.

. . .

"Jenni what's up girll"

I walked up to Jackson and kissed both cheeks.

"What's up Jackson."

I put my helmet on the table and walked over to the big white screen set up with lights.

"I'm ready to take these pictures for the next issue, but don't forget to take some with my phone too."

He grabbed his camera and started snapping pictures. I had at least 70 shots so we picked the top 3.

"Okay I'll send these to headquarters and I'll call you when I hear something back."

I nodded and smiled as I walked out the door.

When I got in I went straight to my room and changed. I put on some basketball shorts and a tank top then went back downstairs to help my mom with dinner.

"So your father called today."

I continued stirring the noodles in the pot like I didn't hear her.

"Jennifer? Did you hear me?"

I looked up surprised

"Oh no! What were you saying?"

I strained the noodles in the sink then set them on the table. My mother took a deep breath and put the Spaghetti sauce on the table.


We both sat at the table and fixed our plates. We sat in silence the whole time and also cleaned the dishes in silence. I went back to my room, sat on my bed and started my homework. It didn't take long since it was easy; all my classes are easy. When I was done I turned off the light, flipped on the TV, and grabbed my phone. I had a small amount of notifications, not as many as I usually get. That was a relief. I went through the pictures Jackson took and went with the best one and posted it on IG and Twitter. I immediately got over thousands of notifications on IG and Twitter; some people used it as their WCW photo. I went to Keek and watched Jacob and my video. I smiled to myself; he was like the first person I ever made a Keek with. That made him a friend in my book. I took a random screenshot of a part of the Keek and posted that on IG also. I made the caption "Afroboy" then put down my phone.

I spent the rest of the night watching reruns of The Boondocks and responding to supporters/fans until I finally fell asleep.

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