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Black markings. They run up her eyes spreading out just below her hairline creating a sort of headband. The black lines, markings, seem to spread all around her body creating intricate patterns of black and silver wrapping around her arms, legs, toros, just about every place imaginable.

Then there's her eyes. Featureless white irises with light lavender pupils that are hard to see unless very close up. Though she tends to not think of so much or else more de stress will come about.

Both new features are unseen by her but she takes Recovery Girl's description to heart.

Nyien stays curled up keeping her hands sandwiched between her knees and chest. The tears have long ran dry although it doesn't mean she's forgiven herself or no longer feels guilty. She doesn't even feel close to it.

Someone had been coming in and out as well as Recovery Girl doing frequent checkups on both Togata-senpai and herself. Senpai is gonna be fine, or so tells Recovery Girl when somehow knowing when Nyien wants to know. The third year is only unconscious due to Nyien's failed attacked leaving him be for a few hours longer. Meanwhile she's fine aside from the marks and eyes.

That man's words ring in Nyien's ears thinking back to the memory. She curls up even more.

The door opens. Someone walks in at a rapid pace presumably stopping between her and Togata-senpai. She peaks up through tan hair surprised to find the person sitting in front of her. Their body outline indicates that they turned quick to the blond then to her. Nyien doesn't have a single clue as to who it is.

"Susu"—Aizawa-sensei, never mind—"do you know what All For One's Quirk is?"

"Huh? Uhh... N-No-no not really." The body outline shifts closer.

"His Quirk is taking other people's Quirk and if he so wishes it he can give a Quirk to someone else of his choosing."

"What does tha–" All For One can give and take Quirks. That day, when tied down– He couldn't have... Could he?

Nyien lifts her head blinking at Aizawa-sensei. The various light scattered everywhere on his body creating the outline that differentiates him from everything else. "You think he...?" That shouldn't be possible. Quirks belong to only one person, they shouldn't be able to be taken.

"We think it's a possibility. Susu, what's happening with you shouldn't be possible unless it's a Quirk. As of now this is the only plausible explanation. Recovery Girl is going through medical history to see if there is some medical explanation but–"

"–this is a likely reason?" She can see the man flinch in the slightest, the lights wavering inside as his body outline shifts. Her teacher looks down nodding his head.

Acting on impulse Nyien jumps off the bed running past him. She hears her name being called though the teenager is already sprinting down the hallway heading anywhere that's secluded. Too much... There's far too much happening.

Izuku likes hanging around the beach he cleaned up during those months of training for U.A. There is something about the cleaned beach, waves crashing upon each other, seagulls letting their cry out, the strong scent of salty ocean water heavy in the air that relaxes Izuku when too much is happening.

He hasn't been around the beach in a long time, with classes and his fight with Kacchan so much has happened. Izuku needs some free air to think, digest everything at his own pace.

Not many people visit the beach even after it cleaned up. Izuku walks through the sand, shoes off held by one hand, as he walks straight no clear destination in mind. People who are at the beach are mainly kids playing frisbee or some game involving a ball. There's a dog that runs by with the owner laughing chasing after it. It's a nice scene.

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