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Shouta glares down at his two star students wondering why he ever became a teacher in the first place. The nerve of these two... To go out and fight over what? He's not quite sure but at this moment the man cares little of it. All he wants is to finish grading papers and hit the hay because he knows that so much is going to happen in the next few days and quite honestly he cannot.

Promptly he punishes them feeling triumphant of it. He just about lets them loose when tentative knocks sounds from the infirmary. The door opens, he turns over ready to pounce at whoever is awake at this time when he hears the voice; soft spoken, a quiver mixed in, labored breathing, and something haunting behind each syllable.

"Recovery Girl? Are you in
here—" dark brown eyes stare back at black, green and red ones. Susu stands before them looking like a deer caught in headlights. She holds the stuffed shark, her hair pulled back in a ponytail though its clear to tell that a nightmare came around. "Aizawa-sensei." She manages to breath out.

"Susu?" They've become close since therapy began, Susu now seeks out adults whenever a memories comes around or there is a trigger around. Most of the time she seeks out either him or Power Loader but Shouta has caught Susu talk with Hizashi, Ectoplasm and such other teachers. With that closeness they've come to have a deep communication understanding where a single name call is all the is needed.

Susu nods looking down.

Pinching his nose Shouta releases both trouble makers. "Get going back to the dorms. Susu take a seat, I'll call in Recovery Girl." Unresponsive, Susu shuffles past both boys seating herself on the infirmary bed pulling both knees up to her chest tightening squeezing the stuffed shark.

Shouta sighs again moving to pat Susu's head then heading to the back where Recovery Girl is located. Today is a long night indeed.

Nyien sits across from All Might. A warm cup of tea sits in front of her that warmths her cold hands. All Might looks strange with clothes the fit him give that she has seen his real form from time to time. Thinking back Nyien questions how she hadn't put the puzzle pieces together any sooner.

His sunken blue eyes stare into the tea cup following the steam rise up until they make eye contact. An assembly was held earlier that day talking of the new changes coming to U.A. that Nyien, for one, is almost excited about. It's lunch and she's spending it with All Might over something that happened the night before.

Setting the tea cup down All Might offers a warm smile. "Aizawa-kun told me you needed to talk with me Young Susu. What seems to trouble you?"

Finger rubbing at the cup Nyien tries finding a away to ask though there is no simple way. In the end the teenager only sighs looking away asking front on, "Did All For One have the ability to give Quirks to other people?" She stares at the coffee table's feet wondering what kind of expressions All Might must be making.

A long stretch of silences comes over until All Might coughs answer in a silent voice. "Why, Young Susu, do you ask this? Just...Just of curiosity."

Again a stretch of silence comes over. Doctor Michi's advice of opening up comes into mind ultimately being the reason she shares her latest memory.

"I...I had a memory yesterday last night. I was strapped down—not so badly because of my state then—and there were two voices talking back and forth. I-I think they were arguing but it was easy to tell who was in command. Things were happening and I blacked out for a bit before going back around to a really warm hand in my hair petting me, soothing me..."

The hand was extremely warm this time. The bickering from before was gone leaving the soft hum of machine and soft sound of music playing in the background. Dark caramel eyes blink away from the bright light above to the dim light farther away. Nyien is sure that the far light is a computer screen.

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