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The bar is empty. A single chair that once hosted—trapped—a person on it is empty. Where some odd person would stand behind the bar is now gone. The loud noises of upstairs and unknown rooms of next door are quiet. Nyien blinks gliding off the seat cushion where bare feet kiss cold tile floor.

A clanking noise echoes through the room. Her heart shoots up then dies down noticing it's just the handcuff that still wraps around her ankle. Her left hand leaves her heart and a sweat breaks out.

Nyien cautiously explores the bar room finding nothing of interest then moves into the door behind the bar. There are stairs that lead up.

Each wooden stair groans and creaks under Nyien's weigh bringing anxiety of being found out. Yet she reaches the top never once encountering another being much less hearing. That is not a good sign.

Careful steps, toe to heel, Nyien treks onward eyeing the mold on the walls then the door she first encounters. There is nothing or no one to tell her to leave and so Nyien opens the door flinching as it groans.

Inside, a lab like room comes to view. It's darkness hides everything leaving the computer light to be Nyien's source. She enters a few steps, feels air and hears the door behind slams shut. Against her heart races as she turns around grabbing the knob trying in vain to open it yet to no avail will it.

Panic fully settles into the girl. Her left hand comes close to her chest as she hunches trekking forward with even more caution.

Tubes larger and wider than her line the small path. It's too dark to see what's inside, Nyien is thankful for that. A noise of something comes from behind immediately halting the teen.

She bites her lip straining to hear anything. When nothing comes the girl moves on only to stop again finally seeing what's inside of a tube.

"Bakugou...?" Her breath leaves as the computer light suddenly brightens.

Inside the tube Bakugou floats in sea green water. Tubes wrap around his body sticking from various places it looks painful. Nyien stumbles back then lunges forward calling to Bakugou's name over and over.

"Bakugou! Bakugou! Bakugou! Hey! Wake up idiot! Open your eyes! We need–We need to get out of here! Bakugou!"

"You did that," comes a voice from behind.

Earning whiplash Nyien presses her back to the tube. Red eyes and grinning chapped lips crawl out of the darkness. His hands that kill drip of never ending blood.

"You made him into that." He moves closer, right arm outstretched coming closer.

"No," she trembles. "No I didn't. I-I would never."

"Don't you remember?" He coos. "Don't you remember then?"

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up."

Crushed hands and something wet drag up her cheek pulling a strand behind her ear. "Then... when we had so much fun together?" Nyien collapses.

"Please no. I won't. I wouldn't. Please... shut up." Fat ugly tears flow down Nyien's cheeks only when they land on her legs the tears are mixed with blood that Tomura left.

A hand lifts her chin forcing dark caramel to meet crimson red. Crusty lips split open revealing a wide smile that's so demented Nyien trembles violently. His other hand comes up where his thumb brushes her right cheek.

"Then when you helped me get what I wanted."

"Please stop."

That very same thumb combs over her lips painting them red of fresh never ending blood.

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