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Too much is happening for everything to be accounted for. What Nyien does know is that what is happening is the League has attacked them, their mission isn't to kill but find and kidnap Bakugou for whatever reason that may be, and that both classes can use their Quirks if in trouble. Although the last piece of knowledge doesn't make much a difference for Nyien.

Ragdoll has yet to be found and Ojirou did reach the facility using Kirishima's phone to text. As much as Kirishima and Ojirou and Vlad King try none of them can conviene Nyien in returning where it's safer.

"It's not what a hero would do" she texted to them five minutes ago when trying once more.

Nyien has ventured closer towards the blue flames holding gut feeling that Ragdoll might be there. She's jogging when a giant ice glacier appears a whiles away. The tan haired teen starts heading there until seeing some projectile shooting across the air chasing after something unseen to her dark caramel eyes. Walking backwards Nyien turns, running full speed at the estimated fall point.

Nyien knows she's in the right place when coming across three villains. Heart racing the teen climbs the nearest tree behind the villains listening in their conversation—nothing more than wanting to leave and eat something. She waits a few more seconds determining that there's nothing of Ragdoll. With that the teen starts scooting backwards when something slams into the ground.

"GIVE BACK KACCHAN!!" Startled at hearing Midoriya scream, Nyien moves herself back up the tree branch watching them attack the villains in desperation of getting both Bakugou and Tokoyami back.

Nyien pulls out her pocket knife ready to get in when Shouji announces that he has both classmates. The teen sighs out of relief scooting backwards once more when the top hate villain—Mr.Compress—reveals to actually have both her classmates. Dread fills as she watches Todoroki and Shouji—Midoriya collapsing far behind—race for the flying marbles after Ayoama used his Quirk.

She reacts before thinking.

Jumping from the tree branch Nyien tackles the scarred man knocking out the marble grabbing it for her own. A spike of pain shoots up from her right elbow letting a shout of pain come out. Though that pain makes no difference to the relief and sheer joy of having retrieved both classmates.

"Hah!" Nyien victoriously exclaims holding the marble close in hand. "Fucking suck it wimpy ass villain shits!"

Far in the future Nyien could never quite figure out how she reacted so fast.

Whether it was running on some adrenaline high or knowing that villains are bound to try gain this marble back, Nyien suddenly swivels around—she in a crouch position by then, one knee kissing grass—pulls out her pocket knife—that rested in her jacket pocket—slashing the unused blade across Scar Face's open outstretched plan.

Scar Face retracts pulling the now bleeding palm close. His bright blue eyes glare at Nyien's dark caramel ones with such malance she trembles for a moment. Then that moment leaves and Nyien acts without a second thought.

Rolling right into standing up she holds the marble close to her chest staring at Scar Face. Mr.Compress and Dabi leave the portal beginning a pursuit for Nyien. Her heart shoots up, however calms just enough when seeing a wall of ice block both villain's path.

"Go!" Shouts Shouji from behind her. "Get out of here! We'll be behind you!" She doesn't think much when running right past him heading for the forest.

Heading for the forest a portal opens arms length of her. A blonde girl jumps out with a syringe in hand that skims Nyien's right cheek. The sudden change of direction causes the teen lose footing and make her fall off onto her side.

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