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The headache was worse than before. A pounding feeling that felt like a jackhammer desperately trying to dig in. It hurt so much but things can be worse.

Bakugou is still restrained in his chair whilst Nyien stays limp on the table seat feeling like shit. A blanket had been given to keep what little body heat is left but it doesn't satisfy.

Blinking slow, Nyien pulls herself more in feeling her bones ache. A shiver runs through before another then another and another until she is full on trembling. Bakugou is shouting some thing to one of the villains though the tan haired teen can care less.

Something brushes against her ankle then under her knees and back. Hazily, Nyien glances up barely making out Shigaraki's face from all the blurriness that covers. She never had realized how strong the older boy is, though then again Nyien must have lost a lot of weigh in the past whatever days.

Pain slices through. Shouts are bubbled out enough for them to make no sense for the teen. She turns her head right blinking sluggishly towards the blobbed figure if Bakugou plus chair. He appears... agitated? Angry? Both? It is quite hard to tell with such blurred vision.

The conversation, after a while, becomes clear. "-slice her up real nice. Although that wouldn't be very hero like of you know would it?"

"Shut up Fuck Face! I swear when I get out I'll–"

"Do what exactly? Kill me? Harm me? Those sound like things a villain would say instead of a training hero." Something rough touches her left arm. "Maybe she should be punished for your words?" Again light pain burns through Nyien somewhere near her legs. She hears Bakugou protesting, the chairs bounding him to the chair rattling and the wood creaking in an unfavourable way.

They talk for a moment longer until Nyien blinks her eyes open finding herself somewhere completely new. Legs and arms strapped down the same warm hand presses down her temple. She hears a tsk nearby.

"Her health is depleting Doctor."

"I understand that but she is completely different from the others and I do not understand why. If you just allow me–"

"There will be no such experiments on test subject Alpha 4." She can hear the doctor swallow back his words, someone's shoes stepping away.

Alpha 4? Why did they call me Alpha 4? No, no I don't want to be called that, I don't want to be here. I-I'm dragging Bakugou down. He can get out whenever they want but not with me... never with me.

They hadn't latched her too tightly and easily does Nyien slip out from the restraints. She taps around feeling the objects beside her before touching something sharp that stings her finger. With trembling fingers the teen grasps the sharp tool bringing it up. Tears slips down as the teen pulls the tool up just above an important organ.

Without thought she drives–

Nyien gasps bolting upward.

Sweat heavily beads down causing loose strands of tan to stay glued to skin. Pichi is rustling about in his cage though the towel over it makes it hard to tell. Although she's sure that Pichi is worried.

Stumbling out of bed Nyien clutches her shirt above where one scar lays. There were a few thin scars littered about her body, not so many that are noticeable but enough to show that abuse was involved. Since waking Nyien had wondered where they came from, why they were there; now she knows.

Heart beating loudly, the teen fumbled to her legs taking shaky steps forward. Tonight will be another long night.

Shouta loves quietness more than anything in the world... well aside from cats and Hizashi—he'd never admit that out loud. Shouta does not mind being around people and loudness however too much for too long if a period will grind on him enough that he will become irritated.

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