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  Their second and final test is more trouble than Nyien liked it to be.


  Midoriya explained for her that rescue is a test final because of All Might's retirement and the requirement of heroes who can win and rescue. It makes sense, obviously, but the problem for Nyien is her Quirk. Constantly being erased makes it difficult to talk with someone without scaring the living life out of them, and sometimes that can be proven fatal for certain conditions.

  Not being of much use Nyien places herself in the infirmary section where other students are. Being invisible causes many injuries and with that comes medical knowledge, even if basic.

  Nyien mainly sticks to aid other people with running supplies here and there. She runs back and forth easily evading everyone whilst being aware of where the "injured" are. At some point a student calls her over.

  "Deep gash on the leg," they say whilst the "injured" gives off signals of distress. "Keep pressure on the wound while I get some supplies."

  "Wait I–" by then the person is gone leaving Nyien to stare then scramble over placing pressure on the "wound" with a cloth.

  The "injured", a middle aged person with graying hair and wrinkles at his eyes, gasps in pain. Nyien avoids eye contact feeling her heart thrumming trying to think of something positive to say. Dark caramel eyes roam over in search for the student who left though has an inkling that they don't remain anymore.

  "A-aw fuck," she cusses turning the "injured". She coughs to grasp their attention and begin ha a conversation. "You got any pets?"

  "A-a– One cat."

  "Really? What's its name?"

  "Tammy. Sh-she's a tomcat. Gray and white, sweet thing."

  "That's nice. Planning on getting any more?"

  He nods releasing a shuddered breath. "I-I want to get a dog. Tammy, she gets lonely when I'm at work. A friend of mine has a dog with puppies that are house broke and all. Might adopt one for myself."

  "A puppy? What breed?" She kept up the conversation keeping the man distracted as she grabs supplies whilst keeping a hand on the "wounded" leg. By the time the man asks her about any pets Nyien has finished covering his wound giving a polite excuse leaving to attend others.

  Tsuyu hops about settling another person into the infirmary section. She calls the attention of another when a loud blast is heard from the distance. Instinctively, the teen covers the injured closest to her shielding them from small flying debris. Students everywhere begin scrambling around following orders of others by rushing the injured away from the sudden "villain" attack.

  Hopping to it, Tsuyu carries a child on her back and aid a mother up and moving away, a hand carefully placed around the mother's waist. Tsuyu continues helping move the injured when spotting Susu carrying another child. A idea sprouts, large green eyes search around for any familiar faces until settling on something else.

"All long rage attackers come with me!" Some stop listening and staring at Tsuyu, some being classmates. "Everyone else keep getting the inured away! Ribbit, we won't be able to defeat Gang Orca but we can delay him!"

  "How exactly?" One kid, someone with fins at their side that remind Tsuyu of someone from her internship. "We can't get near Gang Orca without his men shooting at us?"

  "Susu-chan." Looking over the tan haired teenager stares wide eyed at Tsuyu before understanding nodding her head. The girl looks back at the finned student giving a heart filled grin. "We'll have her cover for us." Uncertainty crosses over many students but Tsuyu's classmates, those present at least, cheer on following behind as both ladies run forward. Close to gang orca a group has formed.

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