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Izuku is embarrassed by all his classmates entering his room. Whilst, yes, Izuku knows his classmates know he's a hardcore fan his room just proves how hardcore. Although the boy is saved from all attention by his other classmates such as Tokoyami and Sero. Then the suggestion of looking at the girl's room made Izuku feel slightly better even if it does feel intriguing as Ojirou said earlier.

"I wonder how Susu-san did her room?" Izuku overhears Satou ask. "Y'know with her right arm broken and all."

"She probably got some help," suggests Kirishima as they approach said girl's room.

Before entering Susu goes up front smiling brightly. "Before you guys enter let me just say to not mind Pichi. He might, most likely, squawk and caw at you but that's just how he is. Don't get too close to his cage or else you'll come out with a bite. Good? Alright let's go!"

Her room is nice. Izuku especially enjoys how instead of a normal bed there's a hammock to the right stretching from wall to wall. On the other side in the corner is this storage type thing hanging from the ceiling barely kissing the ground, there are eight different spots with circles for entrances. Stretching out closer to them on that same wall is a wooden desk and shelf of three attached to its side with plants on both sides. The floor has been changed to dark brown wood and little stars dance across the ceiling.

Izuku is in awe until he heard the caw. The greenette ventures inland more finally able to see the hanging bird cage that rests in the corner beside the hammock.

A pure white raven stares at Izuku with its pitch black eyes. It's head tilts left then snaps right startling the teen and those behind him. The bird hops off the small stand hopping closer to the edge so that it's beak sticks out the cage. Izuku thinks the bird is nice until it starts cawing at them flapping its wings around.

From behind Susu says, "Don't mind Pichi guys. He's not used to meeting new people is all."

"Is that an albino raven?" Questions Kaminari sticking his finger an inch into the cage then retracting it quickly barely avoiding getting bitten.

Izuku turns around watching Susu hum thoughtfully by her desk. A moment later she shakes her head.

"Then what is Pichi?" Yaoyorozu wonders out loud. "If not albino then some other subspecies that has been affected by Quirks?"

Again Susu disagrees. "It's very uncommon but white ravens are a normal thing. We just never see them because white ravens are viewed as ugly, being mateless for life and even before that the chances of them not being killed by their own mother is very small. It's what makes me think as to where his wing injury came from."

"The mother's killed their own?"

Susu nods.

"That's awful!" Exclaims Ashido bouncing over to both girls. "Why do such a wrong thing?" It is then that Izuku notices something shift in Susu. He can't tell how or even why but suddenly the boy knows Susu is going to argue back.

Susu turns to Ashido with a small grin. "White ravens are seen as a disgrace to their mothers. They are an embarrassment. In return the mother will either eat or throw away the bird to die on their own. It's not that white ravens are rare but rather their percentage of survival is very low." Like Quirkless people, Izuku thinks watching Susu open Pichi's cage and have the bird rest in her shoulder.

Izuku blinks thinking of how beautiful the bird actually looks. Gleaming white feathers that shows to be constantly groomed, sharps claws and large white wings that stretch to the other side of Susu's head. He notices one wing give a slight bent at the elbow, a similar injury to Susu's.

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