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Entering class Momo is not expecting to see Susu nodding to Iida as the larger boy spoke using his odd hand gestures. Momo waits until Iida is done before letting out a girly squeal tackling the smaller teen into a hug feeling so excited.

"You're staying in heroics!" Cheers Momo pulling away smiling so wide it hurts. "I'm so happy! Now we have can spar and help each other even more!"

"I'm staying in support too." Chuckles Susu, a wobbly smile on but nevertheless a smile. "It's gonna be hard here and there but knowing that I have you and everyone else to help me like they did the past three weeks... I think I can make it work." Squealing once more Momo hugs Susu so tight that she's sure some bones cracked.

That entire day Momo was practically vibrating of pure excitement. She helped Susu during free period and her other classmates were able to remember Susu enough to know she's friends with them all. By the end of that day, When Aizawa-sensei announced the summer camp and Uraraka had suggested they all go shopping together Momo managed to drag Susu along.

When morning comes next day and Momo meets up with everyone at the mall she feels excited seeing Susu there. It is odd at first, seeing Susu wearing pants and a hoodie in such hot weather though understood after recalling how Susu hates exposing skin.

Splitting up is not Momo's favorite idea seeing as how rowdy her class is and the fear that someone might actually get kicked out, but it is easier to shop so the teen allows it.

Momo walks around buying a few things such as bug spray and summer clothing. Susu, on the other hand, does not. Her shy friend keeps close to Momo eyeing a few things here and there but never buying anything. She believes the word is "Window Shopping".

Inside another store Momo turns around wanting to confront Susu for not buying anything though finds her friend gone. "Susu-san? Susu-san? Where are you?" As Momo searches around the mall Nyien quietly trails behind Midoriya and some guy beside him.

With so many people at the mall Nyien manages to slip around being able to stand close beside the unknown person. She knows it's rude but something about the person, their appearance and the vibe, is all bad. Those suspicions are correct when the two sit down allowing her to pass by them recognizing those chapped lips and seeing four finger tightly wrapped around Midoriya's neck.

  The green haired teen notices her becoming wide eyed. A flash of fear comes in and out before those eyes turn to Crusty Lips beginning their conversation. In a moment that felt incredibly slow, time resumes leaving Nyien to hide out in a hallway that leads to bathrooms. She pulls out her phone staring at the pair the entire time frantically searching for a phone number.

Two rings before the call goes through. "Aizawa-sensei? We have a problem..."

Police and heroes surround the mall twenty minutes later. Nyien had kept a close eye on Midoriya and Crusty Lips. She stayed on the phone with Aizawa-sensei the entire time up till Crusty Lips left smiling as if winning a prize. She manages to follow him until Aizawa-sensei told her to stop.

He as well as Detective Naomasa find Midoriya first then find her second after a bit of search. Both of them give whatever information they could being as through as possible. The mall has to shut down after that incident leaving police officers to sniff around hoping to find anything.

Nyien hangs around Detective Naomasa waiting for her turn to speak though Aizawa-sensei is not having it.

"What is it Susu?" The other adult turns to her with half interest.

Fumbling, she reaches back. "We-well... when I was following Crusty Lips" –Detective Naomasa stifles a life– "and you told me to stop I... might have done something else?"

"What did you do?" Aizawa-sensei leans closer staring at the phone in hand.

Dark caramel eyes look away from both adults feeling anxiety creeping up. "I-I've been... I've been workin' on-on tracing ammunition. Trying to get the liquid inside the ammo to work pro-properly. I was hoping to finding some things here at the mall to help advance the working percent and I..." she hands Aizawa-sensei the used bullet, the tip exploded where the liquid was. "I ran ahead throwing it on the ground. A few people stepped in it before Crusty Lips did but the tracking should be at the bottom of his shoes." At that she hands the detective her phone where ten separate dots blink in and out.

"Susu-san..." breaths Detective Naomasa, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"It's not completed," she rushes in, hands nervously pulling down her sleeves. "The tracking will fuzz in and out and sometimes it'll shut down completely but it should be enough to help pinpoint where Crusty Lips might be."

"Susu-san, what you have done is incredibly useful. Personally and from the police force, thank you in calling for help and for helping track down Shigaraki Tomura much better." He turns to Aizawa-sensei beaming almost. "You have a good student here Eraserhead." He walks away rounding up more police officers.

Nyien stares watching in amazement at how well the detective takes lead.

Pa worries about her when getting home making enchiladas, Nyien's favourite Western dish. They talk about the summer camp, she spends some time with Pichi and then finally gets ready for bed.

It doesn't hit Nyien until dead at midnight that she had given her phone away to Detective Naomasa.

"Well shit."

Pa might not be so happy about that tomorrow.

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