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Eijirou meets up with everyone at the lobby of the hospital. After Midoriya told them about Susu being awake of course they would all want to go visit their friend. When she was still unconscious Eijirou had been one of the few who was allowed to enter the room and drop off a gift.

Susu was incredibly pale when he walked in. Her right arm was in a cast, bandages were wrapped around her arms and no doubt her legs, and she appeared so much more thinner than before. It hurt Eijirou to see her like that but he supposed, then, that he prefers Susu of that time than when rescuing her. A simple thought of then makes Eijirou cringe.

Iida and Yaoyorozu led the way quietly discussing with themselves much how the others are doing. Eijirou quietly talks with Uraraka about the stuffed shark he had gotten their friend earlier on.

"That's so cute!" Squeals Uraraka being shushed by Tsuyu who stands at the brunette's side. "Sorry."

A nurse barely leaves when they arrive. She quietly talks with Iida and Yaoyorozu who relay the information to Eijirou and the rest being told the basics. After given a green light the group enters to something bizarre.

"But whyyyyyyyy?"

"You're on a diet."

"¿Y qué? So what? I just want some."

"A no's a no Susu. Or would you rather throw up again?"

"At least I'll throw up after eating something delicious!" Aizawa-sensei gives their friend a stern look long enough for her to puff up her cheeks in a form of pouting. "You're no fun."

"I know." He replies back, not looking up from the computer.

"Hmph," pouts Susu once more turning away from Aizawa-sensei and noticing them standing there. "Guys! Everyone! Hey! Didn't expect you guys to be here!" Eijirou blinks at Susu first, then moves past the others opening his arms hugging their friend. "Oof. Hey there Kirishima."

"'m glad to see you alright," he softly tells. "We were all so worried for you. I'm glad to see you're alright."

"Of course I am," she breaks apart from the hug smiling up at Eijirou. The boy has never noticed how little the latter smiles. "It's because of you and the others that helped. And even if you didn't help," she looks back at the two girls who hadn't joined, "you didn't do anything to stop them ultimately saving Bakugou and myself. Even if that seems wrong it changes the course my own fate and Bakugou's. If anything, I'm still alive and well because of what you did and didn't do."

Eijirou stares at Susu wondering if she has always been this wise before. He tries thinking back to past conversations but only more recent ones can surface to mind. The boy mentally frowns though pushes those negative feelings aside grabbing Uraraka and Tsuyu's hands to pull them closer towards Susu. Out of everyone present those two have been the most worried—aside from Yaoyorozu—over Susu.

Both girls are silent for a while leading Eijirou to be on the verge of breaking it when they both tackle Susu into a hug. The hug itself is short lived since the healing lungs but the redhead can tell it's enough for them all.

Aizawa-sensei chills in the corner grading papers no doubt before Kamino and Summer Camp. Iida, Yaoyorozu, Midoriya, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Uraraka, And Eijirou himself gather chairs surrounding the bed Susu rests on. They spend most of their visit talking of regular things avoiding of summer camp or Kamino.

She thanks them all for the gifts but gifts Eijirou with a kiss to the cheek for the stuffed shark.

"He's helped me sleep without too many nightmares and he's there to protect me when I do have nightmares," that was her explanation afterward.

Eijirou, as anyone can imagine, blushes like crazy. Never before has the boy been kissed before. Susu was his first cheek kiss.

Visiting hours came a lot quicker than expected. Susu has waved them all a bye and thanked them all once more. Eijirou smiles, even now as he walks home, about how well Susu is coming out to be. He overheard the doctors saying she needs a few more days before being discharged. School is starting in a few days, around a week or so, meaning Susu will be there with them.

He worries, though. Whilst Susu's condition and overall health is progressing the only problem left is her right arm. The redhead knows how long Susu has been training, searching and learning different fight styles that don't need the full usage of arms to progress enough to be at their level. However the arm was all mangled back then at Kamino, an ugly purple color with dried and fresh blood all around. The sight haunts Eijirou.

The boy isn't an expert in bones and will never be beyond first aid lessons in class. Although he can't help but wonder how the arm will be of usage now. Will it straighten out all the way with proper therapy? Or will it be stuck as before? Regardless of the answer Eijirou stills worries. If anything he wants to help Susu in as many ways as possible to make up for summer camp.

A frown crosses over as Eijirou pulls out his house keys. Summer camp. He, like everyone, thought that summer camp would have helped them better as heroes. How wrong Eijirou was. Summer camp had been nothing more than pain and sorrow and frustration beyond anything else. Eijirou wants to make it up to Bakugou and Susu for not being of any use, any help at their most needed times.

He enters his home pulling off his shoes. "I'm home!" Noise comes from the kitchen, upon entering both his moms greet him.

"Hi honey!" Ma says, she wears her apron holding a bowl of something red mixing it. "How was the hospital trip?"


"And your friend?" Mama asks, she stands beside him at the kitchen entrance holding a can of soda. "How is she?"

"Conscious. Better. Alive."

"All good things then?" Eijirou nods feeling mama stick her hand in his hair. "Good. So then why look so down? Did someone kick some puppies or soemthin'?"

"What? No! I just– It's just that..." Eijirou trails off thinking of how useless he was then.

Ma must have sensed his emotions or something because she's crouched right in front of him running her thumbs across his cheeks. "Oh my poor baby..." just like when he was a baby ma pulls him into a hug running a hand into his dyed hair. "I know how frustrating it must have been for you but remember that the teachers were trying to keep you along with everyone else safe."

"I know but–" Eijirou stops then hearing a crack in his voice. He can't cry now. He has to be manly! He has to show that he isn't bothered! That's how...That's how manlyness works damnit!

Another set of warm strong hands come from behind. Mama, whilst brash and coming off loud, can always make Eijirou feel calmer. She doesn't need to say anything to have Eijirou bawling his eyes out once more letting out those feelings from before that finally have surfaced. Both his moms are there to protect him; they've told him so many times before too.

He'll ask them later what kind of gifts a girl will like when recovering for near death. Right now, however, Eijirou will just stay in the warmth of ma and mama crying out what tears have hidden from before.

Gen Z (BNHA Fan/Fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ