Chapter 6

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"Lorna, time to get up..." 

The high pitched voice cut through the dreams and I opened my eyes.

Francesca was sitting on the edge of my bed, dressed in black, and staring at me through red puffy eyes. She reminded me of a Victorian lady in mourning, she looked beautiful but so sad.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," I said.

She smiled back at me and choked, "I'll be okay, darling star."

She drew a deep breathe in and gestured towards the doorway where a young girl with large brown eyes and a mop of thick brown hair stood. 

"This is your cousin, Natasha. She's going to look after you today," Francesca explained.

Natasha weakly lifted her hand and gave me a small wave.

"I'm afraid with the tragic passing of your cousin Emma, I need to attend to other matters. Natasha has kindly agreed to be your chaperone for night. She'll introduce you to your cousins and other members of the family," Francesca explained, getting to her feet. "I hope we can spend a little more time together in the upcoming days, but for now, Natasha will keep an eye on you."

"Really? I was kinda of hoping to meet up with someone else tonight, you know the person who was looking after me yesterday," I hinted.

Francesca shook her head, "That will not be possible as that person is unavailable."

"What do you mean?" I replied, my heart dropping.

"Exactly what I said. That person is unavailable," Francesca said dismissively. "Now, be good and behave for Tasha and I will see you tomorrow night."

"No, wait," I called out after her, scrambling out of bed. 

Natasha stopped me. "Cousin, it's best to leave your mother alone. Her mind is heavy with the passing of our mutual cousin, Emma."

I paused and looked down at this kid who was trying to stop me. Francesca couldn't be serious. This girl was no older than fourteen - how was she supposed to look after me.

Natasha gently took hold of my wrist and pulled me towards the wardrobe, "Come, I will help you dress. There is a soiree tonight in the main lobby. My brother has returned from the America's with his band. They have been on tour the past eighteen months and there is an enormous celebration planned. Everyone will be there."

"That sounds great, but I was kinda of hoping for a quiet evening by myself," I lied. 

"Oh, you wouldn't dare deny us the pleasure of your company. Cousin, please, you must come," Natasha pleaded, her giant brown eyes boring into my soul.

"Look, I'm struggling to adjust. I've been out of sync with the world for the past decade and I need sometime to recalibrate and adjust," I explained.

"Oh, I completely understand. This world is filled with technological marvels and wizardry, that leaves one feeling quite out of touch with the modern world... but do not fear, I will help you, Cousin. I will be your guide," she said.

She rifled through my wardrobe and picked out a simple black dress and a pair of black shoes.

"The simplest fashions are the best. Forever timeless and elegant," she sighed.

"I have no idea what is in fashion now," I replied.

"I do and this is 'on fleek' as the youngsters say," Natasha smiled.

"On fleek?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, there are many things you will need to catch up with. Hashtags, twitter, Instagram, Facebook - oh my goodness, you have missed out on the whole social media revolution."

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