Chapter 4

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The sea had calmed down and Michael took me onto the outside deck. I watched the stern of the ship cut through the dark waves as we moved closer and closer to the mainland.

I watched a cluster and twinkling lights in the distance and asked Michael, "What is that?"

"That's the Isle of Wight." He said. "We sail around it to get to the mainland."

"Have you ever been there?"

"I did once, on business," he paused and pointed to another cluster of lights twinkling on the black horizon, "We will be docking there, in the town Portsmouth."

"Portsmouth," I echoed.

It felt strange and unfamiliar on my tongue but I guess that I needed to get used to it as England was my new home.

A splash of cold rain on my nose shook me from my deep train of thought. The heavens opened and rain began pour over us. Moving quickly we found shelter underneath the over hang of the bridge.

"We will be docking soon." Michael said.

I felt my throat closing up in panic. Oh god, when we docked I would return to the coven and Michael would return to the government's headquarters. We would be separated and we would never see each other again. 

Causally I probed, "Do you ever hang out at the covens? I'm just wondering if we will bump into each other again."

"Not really," he replied nonchalantly.

My heart sank - he didn't seem to care that we may never see each other again. Clearly whatever was affecting me, wasn't affecting him. 

"Look, I don't mean to distract you from your work. I'm happy to hang out by myself until we dock."

"I do have some matters to attend to-"

"Then you should go. I'll head back inside," I said sharply and headed back inside. 

Once I was through the door and I doubled checked that Michael wasn't following me, I went calmly around the corner of the corridor and sunk to the floor. There was a pain inside me that I had no explanation for. It felt like someone had stuffed every emotion I had into blender, then switch it on at full speed.

I pressed my forehead against the dusty floor and fought back the tears building up inside me.

"Woah," a voice said, catching me off guard. 

I lifted my head and saw Barry, the man who had shot me, standing a few feet away from me.

"Er... sorry, did I catch you at a bad time? I'm looking for Michael?" he explained.

I calmly sat back onto my heels and replied, "He was on the outside deck a few minutes ago, but I don't think he is out there now."

"Oh really, I though he would be with you."

"He's not my minder. He doesn't need to babysit me," I snapped. 

I knew that I sounded immature and childish... but I didn't care. 

Barry crouched down next to me, "Listen to me, honey. I think we both know what is going on here. Let me get Mikey and he can stay with you for rest of the journey to London."

"No," I protested. 

"Barry," Michael's voice suddenly rang out. "You're needed up on the bridge. I will stay here with Lorna."

Barry nodded and quickly left me.

Michael stood over me and sighed, "Why did you dismiss me, when you knew that leaving me would cause such great distress?"

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