Chapter 6

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    "Spottedheart, there is a reason why I brought you here," Wildflower mewed, quietly. Spottedheart tilted her head to the side. "Er.. Why is that...?" She said. Wildflower smiled. "I wanted to talk about the SilverClaw... And our past!" She exclaimed.

    Spottedheart backed away from Wildflower. "Who is SilverClaw...?" Wildflower's gaze widened. "Redheart hasn't told you about SilverClaw...?" Her voice got quieter. "Or me...?" Spottedheart was bewildered by Wildflower's reply. "Why would Redheart hide this from you? You'd think she would have to courage tell you about what happened to your kin!" Wildflower hissed under her breath. 

    "Did you just say, you were my kin...?" Spottedheart stepped towards Wildflower. The she-cat's pupils grew small. "Oh, forgive me StarClan!" Wildflower wailed. Spottedheart took one step closer to Wildflower. "Get back!" Wildflower snarled as tears leaked from her eyes. She lashed out at Spottedheart, who leapt back, dodging the blow. 

    "Wildflower? What's going on?" Spottedheart cried. Wildflower met her gaze. "I cannot tell you," 

    Wildflower bolted into the forest. "Wildflower!" Spottedheart cried as she raced after her. Spottedheart was having a hard time keeping up with the she-cat. The two darted over the AmberClan terrain. Why did she say she was my kin? I have no kin, but Redheart! 

    "Wildflower! Stop!" Spottedheart called out. She could tell that Wildflower's speed was decreasing. I'll just pin her down, and make her answer me! Spottedheart make a huge leap, and reached out, paws extended, about to knock down the frail she-cat. 

    Spotedheart's claws barely grazed Wildflower's pelt, before she made a sharp, and sudden turn. Spottedheart tried to stop herself, but was too late. She was hurling into a rock pile. 

    "No!" Her body somersaulted, as she tried to escape the painful landing. The rocks cut up her body, as she crashed into them. Spottedheart layed unevenly, her body twitched, as every jagged corner, stabbed her.

    "Forgive me, StarClan!"

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