Chapter 4

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    Spottedheart hissed. "We can't go there! There are monsters, and thunderpaths, and dogs!" She spat. Ravenstripe hung her head. "I know, I should have got more in newleaf and greenleaf. I'd think there is hardly anymore, since its popular in the other clans with leafbare approaching us." Spottedheart let out a long sigh. 

    The two sat, not saying a word, hoping they could come up with a way to successfully obtain the herb.

    "Perhaps we can ask another clan," Ravenstripe suggested. Spottedheart nodded. "We'll have to try. Is there any medicine cat you're close-ish to? They could be our best resource for the catmint." Spottedheart meowed. Ravenheart flicked her tail. "I'd like to think Wildpaw and I are close... Wildpaw lives in AmberClan." Ravenstripe meowed with a gleam in her eye. "Sounds like a good plan. Let's get going," Spottedheart mewed. "You better keep an eye out for cobweb," Ravenstripe joked.

    As Ravenstripe began walking, Spottedheart followed the small brown she-cat. I've never been inside AmberClan borders before, Spottedheart thought. Then again, I am only twelve moons old, I still have a future in this forest. Something white caught Spottedheart's eye as she walked past a big oak. Cobweb! 

    "I found cobweb, Ravenstripe!" She mewed happily. Ravenstripe padded over to the oak. She smiled. "That's alot of cobweb!" She meowed with bright eyes. Spottedheart swatted the small spider out of the web and pulled it off of the tree, and put it into a loose clump. Ravenstripe grabbed one of the last green oak leaves, on the forest floor, and wrapped the cobweb in the leaf. Spottedheart picked up the leaf, gently, and her and Ravenstripe contiued to the border.

    Spottedheart perked her ears, as she heard the sound of running water. "Is that the Stream of Storm?" She asked quietly. Ravenstripe briskly nodded. "Have you ever seen it, before?" She asked the warrior. Spottedheart quickly shook her head. "There wad one time I was going to see it. I was going with Sandfeather, with my mentor at the time, but she ended up having to stay back, because of a slight fever."

       Ravenstripe nodded. "Well, if you're not afraid of water, this should be a cool experience for you!" She meowed, blinking softly. 

       Spottedheart could see the rushing waters. She walked past Ravenstripe, and scurried across the sand. As she stood before the river, she dipped her paw into the water. The water was surprisingly warm, for the end of leaf-fall.

      Ravenstripe crouched beside Spottedheart. "Sometimes, I wish we visited the river more.. I have heard many stories about AmberClan not being too fond of it." She mewed. Spottedheart saw small minnows swim near the bank, she perched at.

      Ravenstripe stood up, and took a couple paces upstream. "Let's cross the river," She meowed as she splashed into the water. "Ravenstripe!" Spottedheart called, as she saw her friend's head get submerged by the water.

      As Ravenstripe resurfaced, she turned around. "Let's go!" She meowed, with a mrow of laughter. "It's not that deep, and there is no water current here." Ravenstripe called, reassuringly. 

   Spottedheart shrugged as she slunk into the water. She struggled to keep her head above the waves, trying keeping the cobwebs dry. Her fur felt heavy, as she kicked through the water. She saw Ravenstripe slip out of the water, on the beach, that was only a couple tail-lengths ahead.

    Spottedheart briskly emerged out of the water. She shook her pelt, sending the loose water that clung to her fur, onto the sand. She gave her pelt a quick lick, before continuing after Ravenstripe.

  Once they emerged the AmberClan territory, Spottedheart sat down. "What are you doing?" Ravenstripe asked, giving Spottedheart a funny look. Spottedheart looked up, at the medicine cat. "Waiting for a patrol to escort us." She meowed. Ravenstripe laughed softly. "That'll take all day!" She mewed. "I'm a medicine cat, therefore, I can cross the border!" She declared.

    "Really?" Spottedheart meowed, hoping up. "Follow me," Ravenstripe mewed, with a wave of her tail. Ravenstripe stepped into the forest, beckoning Spottedheart to follow.  Spottedheart picked up the leaf with cobweb in it and hurried after her. 

    Spottedheart walked next to Ravenstripe, all she could do was marvel, at how different AmberClan was from StormClan. It was strange, how much light faded through the trees. Spottedheart had never seen trees like this. The trees in StormClan had thick trunks, and sturdy branches, blocking out excessive sunlight. The trees in AmberClan, however, had thin trunks, and long, strands of leaves, that softly blew, in the direction of the winds. 

    "These are weird trees," Spottedheart commented to Ravenstripe. "They're willow trees." Ravenstripe told her. Spottedheart remebered hearing about the willow trees from nursery tales. She had forgotten all about them. 

    Before Spottedheart could ask more questions about the unfamiliar trees, Ravenstripe's tail stood up. "Stop." She commanded. Spottedheart stopped in her tracks, and didn't say a word. A low growl rose in Ravenstripe's voice. "We mean no harm.. We wish for an escort to your camp." Ravenstripe called out. 

    Spottedheart was puzzled by the she-cat. Who is she talking to? Spottedheart looked around and saw nothing. She felt a gaze burn her fur, but didn't dare ask Ravenstripe any questions.

     A large cream tom stalked out of the clump of ferns, nearby the StormClan cats. "You reek of StormClan." He paused. "Why are you?" The tom hissed, his fur bristling. As he bared his teeth, Spottedheart widened her eyes. The tom the biggest fangs, Spottedheart had ever seen. 

    "My name is Ravenstripe. I am the medicine cat apprentice from StormClan." She dipped her head, politely. "I wish to speak with Honeypool and Wildpaw." She meowed calmly. The tom snorted.

     "Wildpaw is now Wildflower." He growled, still remaining hostile. Ravenpaw smiled and looked back at Spottedheart. "She's got her warrior name!" She whispered to Spottedheart. Spottedheart tried to act interested, by smiling, but she had never heard of this cat before. 

    The tom whipped around, and flicked his tail, "Follow me," He said with a bitter tone. Ravenstripe trotted after the tom, waving her tail in the air. Spottedheart could tell how excited Ravenstripe was to see Wildflower. Spottedheart followed the two silently. As the cats weaved through the trees, Spottedheart could partially make out the well protected,  AmberClan camp.

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