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Brindleface wakes up before dawn. Unable to fall back asleep, she decided that it would be a good idea to take this time to provide extra for her Clan. The she-cat lets out a yawn and stretches before padding out of the warriors' den. The majority of the Clan is asleep, except the cats that are staying up to keep guard.

"I'm going to go out hunting early." Brindleface informs the awake warriors. "I cannot fall back asleep and I want to provide more for the Clan."

"Okay. Be careful, Brindleface." Brindleface's sister, Frostfur, meows. "Do you want me to tag along with you?" She asks. "Remember what we were told. We shouldn't leave camp alone since Tigerstar is leader of ShadowClan now. Don't let the dogs that got Swiftpaw and Lostface get to you either." She meows, clearly still upset about her injured daughter.

"No, I can look after myself." Brindleface responds with a flick of her tail. "Thanks though." She meows.

"Okay, be extra careful!" Frostfur reminds her as Brindleface pushes through the exit of the camp and pads into the rest of ThunderClan's territory. As she gets farther away from camp, she parts her jaws to catch any scent of prey. She quickly catches the scent of rabbit, beginning to follow the strong scent, which leads her to a bunch of rabbit bits and already dead rabbits, seemingly recently killed.

"What in StarClan?" Brindleface murmurs, sniffing a foot of a rabbit, which has been torn off of the body. "Who did this?" She asks herself. Then, Brindleface feels like her heart is about to burst out of her chest as she is struck down by a large figure, easily pinned to the ground. Her fear only increases when she opens her eyes to see who or what has attacked her.

"Tigerstar!" Brindleface hisses, her green eyes wide.

"That's right!" Tigerstar hisses in return. Brindleface tries to throw the larger tom off of her, but she's unsuccessful.

He's too heavy! Brindleface thinks. Tigerstar lets out a purr of amusement.

"Remember when we were kits? When we would play fight together with Frostfur and Whitestorm?" Tigerstar asks. "Those were the good days."

"Get off me!" Brindleface hisses. "We're not friends anymore! You're a traitor and a murderer!"

"Only by your meaning of the word, I am. I was only trying to make ThunderClan stronger. Now, ShadowClan is stronger than ever thanks to me." Tigerstar meows. "Redtail was too soft-hearted to be deputy and Bluestar lets kittypets into the Clan. None of that would've happened if Thistleclaw or I was leader of ThunderClan!" He hisses.

"Let me go! I don't want anything to do with you!" Brindleface yowls.


"Let me go!" Brindlekit squeaks as the much larger Tigerkit pins her to the ground. She wiggles, trying to get out of the larger kit's grasp.

"Never!" Tigerkit responds playfully, not knowing that he was being too rough with the younger kit.

"Be gentle, Tigerkit!" Brindlekit hears Tigerkit's mother, Leopardfoot meow. "She's much smaller than you." She reminds her kit.

"Okay." Tigerkit whines, letting Brindlekit go. Brindlekit gasps for air once the larger kit is finally off of her.

"Are you alright, dear?" Robinwing asks, quickly going up to her kit.

"Yeah, I'm okay!" Brindlekit assures her mother. "Tigerkit was just playing around!" She meows, remembering that Tigerkit plays even rougher with Whitekit, who is closer to his age.

"Good, let's go back in your nursery with Whitekit and your sister." Robinwing responds, picking up Brindlekit by the scruff and carrying her back into the nursery.


This time, Tigerstar is not just playing around. Brindleface thinks, a shiver going across her spine after she remembers when the two of them were kits. She tries again to kick Tigerstar off with one of her hind legs, but the large dark brown tabby does not even budge. She can feel her heart sink into her stomach.

I'm dead meat if I don't do something quick! Brindleface thinks.

"Any last words?" Tigerstar asks, holding his long claws up in the air. The ShadowClan leader steps onto Brindleface's neck with his other front paw, making it extremely difficult for the ThunderClan warrior to breathe.

"Please," Brindleface meows, choking on her words. "Just let me go." She begs. "My kits are only apprentices. I still have much of my life ahead of me. I need to at least say goodbye to them, Cloudtail, Whitestorm, Willowpelt, and their kits." She murmurs, almost unable to speak due to the extreme amount of pressure on her throat.

"Say hello to Redtail in StarClan for me." Tigerclaw hisses as Brindleface feels a sharp pain go from her neck all the way down to her lower abdomen. Brindleface, in shock, watches as her blood pours right out of her. She takes her last breath as her vision goes completely dark.


Brindleface opens her eyes to spot familiar cats standing in front of her.

"Welcome to StarClan, Brindleface." A yellow tom meows, standing in front of her.

"Sunstar!" Brindleface meows, glad to see another cat who was leader during her lifetime again. She watches as other familiar cats stand beside Sunstar. Joy fills her spirit as she is crowded by two tiny figures bouncing beside her.

"Elderkit! Tulipkit!" Brindleface meows happily, touching noses with the two tiny kits. "I missed you so much." She lifts her head, her gaze focusing on Robinwing, Fuzzypelt, and then the two familiar smaller figures standing beside them.

"Robinwing! Fuzzypelt! Cherrypaw! Chestnutkit!" Brindleface meows happily, dashing closer and pressing her muzzle against Robinwing's.

"Hello again, Brindleface." Tortoiseshell tom purrs.

"Redtail!" Brindleface meows, happy to see him. "I'm so sorry I never got to say goodbye..." She meows.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. I had no idea what was going to happen to me." Redtail responds. "I'm glad to see you again, though."

"I'm glad to see you again too." Brindleface responds.

Whitestorm, Willowpelt, Longtail, Sandstorm, Dustpelt, Ravenpaw, Ashpaw, Fernpaw, Sootkit, Rainkit, and Sorrelkit, I wish you all the best in the future. I love all of you so much. Brindleface thinks as she is surrounded by the lost cats she has loved.

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