Chapter 13

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Brindleface wakes up in the middle of the night to strong stomach pains. And, with every breath, the pains just get worse and worse. She can't help but yet put a wail from the pain. The wail awakens Willowpelt, who looks over at Brindleface. Immediately, the pale gray she-cat knows what's going on.

"Watch the kits! I'll go get Spottedleaf!" Willowpelt meows, struggles to get up, and then waddles out of the nursery.

Oh no, it's happening! Oh please StarClan, watch over me. Brindleface meows. It is not much longer until Willowpelt returns with Spottedleaf. Spottedleaf has a stick and some herbs with her. The places the stick in front of Brindleface.

"Bite the stick and push!" Spottedleaf, encouraging the queen in labor. Brindleface nods and bites onto the stick, beginning to push, hoping she is doing it right.

"You got this, Brindleface! You only have one kit!" Spottedleaf meows, continuing to encourage the gray tabby.

"I can see its head!" Willowpelt meows, her eyes wide. Spottedleaf lets out a purr of amusement, trying to lighten the intense mood.

"Maybe it would be better if you don't watch, Willowpelt." Spottedleaf meows. "You're almost there, Brindleface. You're doing great." She then tells the spotted tabby queen. Then, Brindleface feels a wave of relief.

"The kit is here! A beautiful pale ginger she-kit." Spottedleaf meows happily, picking up her niece and gently laying her close to Brindleface's mouth. Then, the queen begins to lick her kit.

"She's gorgeous." Willowpelt compliments.

"Thank you." Brindleface responds weakly.

"Now, once you're done licking her, nurse her and get some rest. No cat can come visit until you're ready, even Redtail." Spottedleaf meows.

"Okay. Thank you, Spottedleaf." Brindleface meows weakly.

"No need to thank me, it's what I'm supposed to do." Spottedleaf responds with a purr. Not long after that, the tortoiseshell she-cat leaves the nursery. Brindleface begins to nurse her newborn daughter.

"What do you think you're going to name her? Robinkit?" Willowpelt asks as well as giving her friend a suggestion. Brindleface responds with a shake of her head.

"I don't want to name her after Robinwing." Brindleface replies. "Her fur looks like sand, so maybe Sandkit?" She asks, waiting for Willowpelt's opinion on the name.

"I love it." Willowpelt responds with a purr. "She's pretty like her parents." She meows.


Once Brindleface was ready and rested, Redtail pads into the nursery the next morning, excited to meet his newborn kit.

"She's so beautiful, just like you." Redtail meows once he first sees his daughter.

Is he flirting with me? Was that flirting? Brindleface thinks.

"Thank you." Brindleface can only reply. "Her name is Sandkit." She meows.

"That's a perfect name for her. She looks like a tiny pile of sand." Redtail responds with a purr.

I just wish he wanted to stay with me forever. Then, we could raise Sandkit properly together. However, I know that won't happen. Life isn't perfect. Brindleface thinks. But, Willowpelt promised she would help me. It will be us two and five kits once she has hers. We will be fine as long as we have each other.

At this point, nothing can break our friendship.

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