Chapter 9

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It has been a while since Brindleface had first moved into the nursery. She is much farther into her pregnancy now. On top of that, Robinwing should give birth to her kits any day now. Spottedleaf had confirmed that Robinwing is expecting four kits, but both Brindleface and Willowpelt are only expecting one. Brindleface was hoping she would have more, but now she knows that she will only have to put all of her attention on one kit. The gray tabby's face lights up happily as Redtail pads into the nursery. Just laying in the nursery most of the time has been pretty boring for Brindleface, but she is glad she has Dappletail, Cricketkit, Robinwing, and Willowpelt to accompany her.

"Redtail!" Brindleface meows happily.

"Hey Brindleface. Are you alright?" Redtail asks her. Brindleface starts to get a weird feeling.

Something isn't right with Redtail. I hope he's okay. Brindleface thinks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Brindleface answers. "But the real question is, are you alright?" She asks her mate.

"Brindleface, I've been thinking long and hard about this and I love you and our kit a lot, but I think it would be best if we aren't mates anymore." Redtail admits. Brindleface is completely shocked.

"What, Redtail?! I thought our relationship has been perfectly fine!" Brindleface responds with clear disappointment.

"It's not you, Brindleface. It's me. My love for you has been fading a lot recently and I am not even exactly sure why. I recently realized that I won't be able to balance being a good deputy and an active father. It has been putting too much stress on me lately. So, I think it would be best if we break our relationship off." Redtail explains, but it doesn't make Brindleface feel any better.

"So you're going to leave me to raise our kit by myself?!" Brindleface meows angrily.

"You won't be alone." Willowpelt meows. "We can raise ours together." She claims tiredly from her nest.

"I will be there to help you until Cricketkit becomes an apprentice and I know for sure Robinwing will be glad to help you out too." Dappletail meows, looking over at the sleeping brown she-cat.

"Thank you." Brindleface responds.

I can't believe my friends and mother care more about me and my kit than Redtail himself does. Brindleface thinks.

"I'm so sorry, Brindleface.." Redtail meows. "I knew you wouldn't understand. I will definitely still be a big part of our kit's life. I'll visit and help out whenever I can. Even though we won't be mates anymore, I am still the father of our kit, so I will make sure to be a part of his or her life as much as I can." He meows.

"Get out." Brindleface meows with a low growl, very angry with her former mate. Redtail listens to Bristleface and quickly exists the nursery.

"I'm so sorry.." He apologizes again quietly as he exits. Once he leaves, Brindleface lets out a loud sigh.

I mean, if it's what's best for him... Brindleface then thinks.

"Brindleface, are you okay?" Robinwing asks her daughter, awoken by the ruckus that had just occurred.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm just mad at him for dumping me so suddenly while I'm expecting his kit." Brindleface replies, beginning to pout.

"I can share an embarrassing story about Redtail if it would make you feel better!" Willowpelt suggests. "This still makes me laugh whenever I think of it!" She meows.

"Go ahead." Brindleface responds, interested in what the pale gray she-cat has to say.

"So it was just Redtail and I along with our mentors, Halftail and Poppydawn, in the sandy hollow when we were apprentices." Willowpelt begins to say. "A butterfly landed on Redtail's nose and he got scared because he didn't know what it was at first. He yowled, shook his head, and ran around in circles, all over just a little butterfly! You would've thought he was being chased by a dog or something! I thought it was really funny." Willowpelt tells the other queens. "Our brave and powerful clan deputy, everyone, got scared of a tiny butterfly." She meows with a purr of amusement.

"That is pretty funny! I wish I had seen that." Brindleface replies with a purr of amusement, starting to feel better.

"See! You seem better already!" Willowpelt meows to the gray spotted tabby. "Do you want me to share another?" She asks.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you, though." Brindleface answers the pale gray she-cat.

"Let me know if you ever need it." Willowpelt responds with a purr.

A few moments later, Brindleface could feel her kit move around a little bit in her belly, which makes her begin to purr.

Little kit, I promise to make sure you have the best life possible, with or without your father in it. Brindleface thinks to her kit in her head.

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