Chapter 20

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About a half-moon ago, Brindleface's sister, Frostfur, had moved into the nursery, expecting Lionheart's kits. Brindleface is extremely happy and excited to become an aunt. It also made her consider going back into the nursery soon again as well.

"Congratulations, Frostfur!" Brindleface had meowed happily.

"Thank you!" Frostfur replied, also excited to have her own kits. She could also tell that Lionheart was very excited too.

They're going to have beautiful kits. Brindleface had thought.

Right now, it is around sunhigh in the forest. A hunting patrol has just returned with fresh-kill. It is now leaf-fall, which means the clan will have to start preparing for the next leaf-bare. Brindleface exits ThunderClan's camp along with Whitestorm and Willowpelt, who all agreed to go on a walk together. Once they got far away enough from camp, the three mates began to chat with one another.

"When do you two think we should have our first litter?" Brindleface asks the other two cats, curious on what they feel about having kits sometime soon.

"I think we should have them at some point, but it all depends on what you two think. It will be you two who will mother the kits. It's all on you two to decide. Whatever makes the two of you happy I'm fine with." Whitestorm gives his answer, looking over at Brindleface lovingly.

"What do you think, Willowpelt?" Brindleface asks the pale gray she-cat, looking into her unusual blue eyes.

"I don't really mind having another litter of kits really soon. I'd love to have kits soon with the three of us as their parents eventually, but whenever we decide to doesn't matter to me." Willowpelt answers as the three cats pad side-by-side through the forest.

"I've been thinking of possibly having another litter soon. I would love to mother kits again. I really enjoyed my time with Sandkit and the other kits when I was a queen. Plus, it would be nice to join Frostfur in the nursery soon." Brindleface shares her thoughts.

"I guess it's settled then. We should have kits!" Willowpelt meows. "So you're saying you would like to carry the kits, Brindleface?" She then asks the gray tabby.

"Yes, unless you want to." Brindleface responds, looking over at the pale gray she-cat.

"No thanks, I think I'd want to be a warrior a bit longer before I'm stuck in the nursery for another almost seven moons." Willowpelt admits.

"Then, it's all settled." Whitestorm meows to the two she-cats. "Let's do it."


It has been a while since Brindleface, Whitestorm, and Willowpelt had decided to have kits. Brindleface should find out she's expecting kits any day now. It has only been two days since Frostfur had four healthy kits, naming them Brackenkit, Cinderkit, Thornkit, and Brightkit.

Brindleface opens her eyes to find herself in her nest in the warriors' den. It is around dawn and the she-cat notices that most of the other warriors are still sleeping in their nests. It was right then when Brindleface had realized what woke her up. A sharp bellyache hits Brindleface, which makes the spotted tabby head right over towards the medicine cat den. It is almost hard for her to move due to the pain. She pads into the medicine cat den, hoping to see Spottedleaf. She then spots the tortoiseshell she-cat arranging her herb supply.

"Oh, hey Brindleface. What's the problem?" Spottedleaf meows once she notices that the warrior had entered her den.

"I have a really bad bellyache." Brindleface whines. "I don't know why."

"Did you eat foul fresh-kill?" Spottedleaf asks her with concern.

"No, I shared a squirrel with Willowpelt and Whitestorm and it tasted just fine. Also, if they shared it with me, they would probably have the same issue." Brindleface explains to the medicine cat.

"Is there any chance you could be expecting kits? I know you didn't experience this when you were expecting Sandpaw, but bellyaches and nausea are actually pretty common for expecting queens." Spottedleaf mentions, trying to find the perfect herb to help with Brindleface's bellyache.

Oh yeah, I remember Willowpelt complaining about having them when we were in the nursery together. Brindleface remembers in her thoughts.

"Actually, yeah." Brindleface answers.

"I think that may be the explanation for your bellyache then." Spottedleaf meows, picking out a herb. "This is chervil. Chew it up and ingest the juice but do not swallow the leaves." She meows, laying the herb down in front of Brindleface. The gray tabby picks up the herb in her jaws and begins to chew it to get all of the juice out of it but then spits out the rest of the leaf. Spottedleaf then got closer to the warrior, trying to see is her belly has swollen any yet.

"Yeah, you're definitely expecting kits. Your belly is swelling up. Congratulations!" At he sweet medicine cat meows.

"Thank you, Spottedleaf." Brindleface meows, excited to share the news with Whitestorm and Willowpelt when they wake up.

"You're welcome. I hope your bellyache gets better!" Spottedleaf meows as Brindleface exits the medicine cat den. When she walks out, she spots Willowpelt and Whitestorm chatting outside the medicine cat den.

They must've woken up after I left. Brindleface thinks. She quickly pads over towards her mates, completely forgetting about her bellyache.

"What's up, Brindleface?" Whitestorm meows after seeing her pad over towards them.

"You two won't believe this!" Brindleface meows happily.

"What is it?" Willowpelt asks, her face lighting up with happiness, expecting kit news.

"We're going to have kits!" Brindleface announces happily. She watches as Whitestorm and Willowpelt get filled with excitement.

"Oh StarClan, what such great news! I'm so excited!" Willowpelt meows. "I can't wait to meet them and I'll make sure to visit the nursery every single day!" She promises happily.

"I will too!" Whitestorm also promises. "I haven't felt this happy since Willowpelt told me she was expecting Graypaw!" He meows.

These kits will be so lucky to have three parents who care about them so much. Brindleface thinks.

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