Chapter 18

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Only a few days after becoming an apprentice, Cherrypaw's dead body was found on the thunderpath bordering ThunderClan and ShadowClan territory. It seemed like the poor young apprentice had been hit by the monster due to her wounds. She had snuck out of camp alone to explore. She wondered what ShadowClan territory would be like, so she promised herself that she will only be over there for a few pawsteps. As she crossed the thunderpath, disaster struck and she was hit by a monster. Her death left the clan in devastation, especially Brindleface, Willowpelt, and the apprentices and kits. Brindleface and Willowpelt could hardly keep themselves together at the vigil.

Even though she was my sister and not my kit, I feel like a mother who had just lost her kit. Brindleface had thought at the vigil of the ginger-and-white she-cat. It has been some days since then and Brindleface and the others had pretty much recovered from the incident.

I need to be happy today, since today is the day Sandkit and Graykit become apprentices. Brindleface thinks while grooming Sandkit. Since the two kits were so close in age, it was decided that it would be more convenient to make them both apprentices at the same time. This is very convenient for Brindleface and Willowpelt so they can finally get back to their warrior duties sooner.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" Brindleface hears Bluestar's voice call. She turns to Sandkit and Graykit, who are both very excited.

"It's time. Follow Willowpelt out. I will follow you two close behind." Brindleface meows at the kits. The kits nod and Willowpelt begins to walk out of the nursery with all three kits following her. Brindleface follows behind Sandkit.

"We are here today to give two Clan kits their apprentice names." Bluestar announces from the Highrock, looking down at the kits.

"Cherrypaw was right, Bluestar is a pretty cat. She definitely isn't young though." Graykit whispers.

"Be quiet." Willowpelt reminds the kits in a whisper. Brindleface watches as Bluestar's gaze fixes on the kits once they sit together.

"Sandkit and Graykit, please come forward." Bluestar commands. Both cats pad towards the center of the clearing together side-by-side.

"Whitestorm," Bluestar meows from above, looking over at the big white tom. "You will be the mentor of Sandpaw." Brindleface watches as her crush pads over to her daughter.

"Whitestorm, this will be your first apprentice," Bluestar goes on. "I believe that you will train Sandpaw well and pass on your knowledge onto her." She meows. Brindleface watches as the warrior and newly named apprentice touch noses.

I'm so glad Sandpaw got such a nice cat for a mentor. Brindleface thinks.

"Lionheart," Bluestar then meows. "You will be the mentor of Graypaw." Brindleface watches as the large golden tom pads over to Graypaw.

"Lionheart, you have proven yourself to be ready to train your first apprentice." Bluestar meows. "I believe you will pass on your warrior knowledge onto Graypaw." She meows. Brindleface watches at the mentor and apprentice touch noses.

"The clan meeting is now dismissed." Bluestar meows, leaping down from the Highrock. Brindleface, very proud of the apprentices, pads over towards Sandpaw. Sandpaw looks over at Brindleface happily as she pads over.

"Whitestorm is my mentor!" Sandpaw meows cheerfully. Brindleface lets out a purr of amusement.

"I can tell dear." Brindleface responds. "Congratulations." She meows, licking the apprentice's forehead.

"Thanks." Sandpaw meows with a purr. Whitestorm then looks over at Brindleface. Brindleface makes eye contact with him, which makes her heart beat faster.

"Aren't you glad you can go back to being a warrior, Brindleface?" Whitestorm asks.

"Of course. I really missed it these past six to seven moons." Brindleface answers.

"I would like to talk to you later if that's alright." Whitestorm informs the gray tabby.

"Okay!" Brindleface responds happily.

"I have to go now, I should go congratulate my son." Whitestorm meows, dipping his head at Brindleface before padding off in the other direction.

"I'm coming too, Whitestorm!" Sandpaw meows, padding after her mentor.

"They grow up so fast." Brindleface mumbles to herself as she watches Sandpaw bound off towards Graypaw, Lionheart, and Willowpelt.


"Are you ready?" Whitestorm asks Brindleface.

"Very ready." Brindleface answers with a purr.

"Let's go then." Whitestorm meows happily. Then, the two warriors exit camp together, trying to find a more private spot to chat. Once the two cats got far enough from camp, Whitestorm was first to speak up.

"So..." Whitestorm meows.

"So..?" Brindleface asks the white tom, looking over at him as the pad side-by-side.

"Brindleface, I think you are a wonderful she-cat. You are sweet, friendly, hardworking, and determined. Not to mention, you are also very beautiful. I've thought you were pretty ever since we were kits together. As we grew up, those feelings evolved from friendship to romance. I was already mates with Willowpelt when I realized that I loved you more. So, I had broken it off with her so I could have a shot with you. So, would you be happy to be my mate?" Whitestorm admits, showing signs of nervousness.

"I'd be happy to." Brindleface responds and purrs. She watches as Whitestorm's nervousness quickly switches over to joy.

"I really love you, Brindleface. More than you'd ever know." Whitestorm meows.

"I really love you too, Whitestorm." Brindleface responds.

What about Willowpelt though? She's going to be so upset when she finds out we're mates and that I'm the she-cat Whitestorm broke up with her for. Oh StarClan, please save me. I really hope this does not ruin my relationship with Willowpelt. Brindleface worries. Hopefully she won't notice until long from now.

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