Chapter 12

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Over only these past few days, even more ThunderClan cats have been lost to greencough. Poppydawn joined StarClan a couple days before and now Leopardfoot has been lost too. In response to his sister's death, Patchpelt has decided to join the elders' den and Dappletail has retired as well.

"This leaf-bare is really starting to worry me." Brindleface meows to Willowpelt with Dustkit and Ravenkit sleeping near her swollen belly. "I'm really afraid either of us or the kits will catch greencough." She admits. "I thought last leaf-bare was bad enough." She meows, thinking back at the loss of their own medicine cat, Featherwhisker.

"I feel the same way, but we really shouldn't worry that much until one of us is actually sick. Worrying won't make anything better." Willowpelt replies, trying to help the other queen feel better.

"I guess you're right." Brindleface responds, looking down at the floor of the nursery. "Do you want to hear a story?" She then asks the pale gray she-cat.

"Of course." Willowpelt answers happily, shifting her attention from Cherrykit to Brindleface.

"This is something Robinwing used to remind me of a lot, even though my actually memory of it is pretty unclear." Brindleface states before starting the story. "So, it was back when we were kits. Tigerclaw and Whitestorm took Frostfur and I out of the nursery for the first time. When we went over to the medicine cat den, Goosefeather started yowling and hissing at us! We were all so frightened by him! He was very scary for a medicine cat." Brindleface shares. "He especially didn't like Tigerclaw, I have no idea why though."

"That's a pretty good story." Willowpelt meows, letting out a purr of amusement.

"Do you have any stories to share?" The gray spotted tabby asks Willowpelt, but then they are interrupted as Willowpelt's mate, Whitestorm, pads into the nursery with a mouse in his jaws.

"This is for the two of you to share. I know it's not much, but it's something. Prey is very scarce right now." The big white tom tells the queens, dropping the skinny mouse in between them.

"Thank you dear." Willowpelt meows sweetly.

"Yeah, thank you." Brindleface then meows, taking her first bite of mouse.

"How are you doing?" Whitestorm asks Willowpelt. Although he is Willowpelt's mate, Brindleface can't help but admire the tom who she has known since they were kits.

I've always thought he grew into a very handsome tom and wow, I sure was right. Brindleface thinks to herself. She then forces herself to shake it off. Redtail is even more handsome anyways and you're still upset over the breakup. She tells herself. Also, he's Willowpelt's mate. I can't do that to her. She thinks, continuing to eat her portion of the mouse.

"I'm fine, just a bit worried about greencough." Willowpelt responds, taking her first bite of mouse.

"I see. A lot of cats have been getting sick lately. We're trying our best so that it doesn't spread over to the nursery or the elders, since kits and elders are more vulnerable." He meows. "Speaking of kits, Dustkit, Cherrykit, and Ravenkit look so cute. I'm sure they'll grow to be fine warriors. I'm glad the two of you have been nursing them." He then turns to look over at Brindleface. "Brindleface, you'll have your kit any day now, right?" He asks. Brindleface replies with a nod.

"It's only a matter of time." She responds, looking over at her swollen belly.

"I bet your kit will be cute too." Whitestorm meows.

"Thank you." Brindleface thanks him with a purr.

"Hey, what about our kit?!" Willowpelt retorts teasingly.

"Our kit will be the cutest of them all." Whitestorm meows, touching noses with the pale gray she-cat. Brindleface can't help but feel like she's about to lose what she ate of the mouse due to the cheesiness of the couple in front of her.

"Goodbye, you two. Stay healthy." Whitestorm meows before finally exiting the nursery.

"He's so sweet, isn't he?" Willowpelt meows in a dreamy tone.

"He sure is." Brindleface responds. "He has been ever since he was a kit."

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