Chapter 22

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A battle against ShadowClan had just finished. Brindleface defended the nursery with her life despite the fact that she could have her kits any day now. Brindleface had watched as brave Rosetail was killed by Blackfoot of ShadowClan in front of her eyes. Also, it has just been revealed that Frostfur's mate and the clan deputy, Lionheart, has died from his battle wounds. The clan is very sad from the loss of both cats, especially Frostfur, who is devastated over the loss of her mate. All of the queens are now back in their nests, glad all of the kits are safe.

"It's okay, Frostfur. Lionheart is in StarClan now. He died so your kits would live." Brindleface meows to her sister, trying to comfort her. "He will always watch over you and your kits." She meows. Right after her last word, Willowpelt and Whitestorm burst into the nursery.

"Why were you fighting, Brindleface?!" Willowpelt meows. "You know that is very dangerous for you and the kits!" She meows.

"Willowpelt is right. That was very risky. You or the kits could have been lost, or even both." Whitestorm meows. "The queens are put into the nursery and don't take part in warrior duties for a reason. It's to keep you and your kits safe since many warrior duties, such as participating in battles are very dangerous for expecting queens." He meows in disappointment.

"The ShadowClan cats were trying to burst into the nursery and get to the kits! I had to do what I could to protect them!" Brindleface meows angrily. "I knew it wasn't safe, but I had to take the risk to protect Frostfur's kits and Goldenflower's kit. You have to understand that. If it wasn't for the queens protecting the nursery, the kits wouldn't even be here anymore." She brings up.

"Okay, I understand now. Willowpelt and I just got really worried about you when we saw you fighting." Whitestorm responds, dipping his head.

"I understand too. We're sorry." Willowpelt meows. 

"I know I'm expecting kits any day now, but I am still capable of defending the nursery. I'm not some helpless newborn kit, you two need to stop treating me like one." Brindleface meows, flicking her tail. When Brindleface thinks about it, she actually prefers how it was like when she was expecting Sandpaw. She was allowed to be at peace in the nursery without Redtail being clingy with her. Now, Whitestorm and Willowpelt have been all over her and it's beginning to get on her nerves.

"I'm sorry, Brindleface. We'll stop." Willowpelt apologizes, lowering her head.

"Good." Brindleface responds and watches as her two mates leave the nursery with their tails tucked underneath them. She feels a pang of guilt after they pad out.

Oh StarClan, that must've been so awkward for the other queens. Brindleface thinks, feeling embarrassed.

"Who do you think Bluestar will pick as her new deputy?" Goldenflower asks the other queens, trying to change the topic.

"I think she'll choose either Tigerclaw or Whitestorm. They're both great warriors who have grown up together. I don't think either of them matters, but I think Whitestorm might be more likely since he is her sister's kit." Speckletail shares her opinion.

"I think it will be Tigerclaw." Goldenflower meows in response to her mother's answer. "He's a bit more deputy-worthy than Whitestorm I think. He's really handsome too. A very strong warrior." She explains.

"Don't you think Tigerclaw is a bit too aggressive though?" Frostfur meows in response. "He reminds me of Thistleclaw. I think Whitestorm would be a better option." She meows.

"But what if it's not either of them?" Goldenflower then suggests.

"The only other option is Darkstripe. The others haven't had apprentices yet." Brindleface points out.

"I don't think it would be Darkstripe." Frostfur meows. "So I guess it really is between Tigerclaw and Whitestorm." She meows.

"I personally hope it's Whitestorm." Brindleface shares.

"Of course you do, he's your mate." Goldenflower responds. "When you have an unbiased mind, you would see that Tigerclaw is the best fit for deputy." She meows.

Unbiased mind? Says the she-cat who just said Tigerclaw is handsome. Brindleface thinks.

"I guess we'll just see before moonhigh." Speckletail meows. "I hope Bluestar will make the right choice."

"Redtail and Lionheart were great deputies. I don't doubt her judgement." Goldenflower responds as Swiftkit plays with her tail. Brindleface watches as Goldenflower's expression turns sad after mentioning her brother.

I'm literally the only cat in here who didn't have a strong connection to Lionheart. Speckletail was his mother. Goldenflower was his sister. Frostfur was his mate. Brindleface thinks. He was always nice to me though and was a great warrior, so I've always liked him. Brindleface thinks. He will be greatly missed.

Before moonhigh, Tigerclaw was named the new deputy of ThunderClan.

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