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"He ripped away everything I had

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"He ripped away everything I had. He destroyed me... so why do I feel empty without him...

"Could you answer that for me?"


Vernon pulled away from Joshua slowly moving so that he could rise to his feet, only to be grabbed onto desperately by the smaller boy beneath him.

"Vernon... it's okay isn't it?" Joshua mumbled, his hand slid down Vernon's chest down to his guarded bottom half, "This way, we all can leave without any trouble."

Vernon took Joshua's hand that was placed in his forbidden area, before letting out a loud sigh, before leaning into the weak boy's ear.

"You fucking pathetic piece of shit," Vernon spat, only allowing Joshua's innocent ears to hear his vile words, "'without any trouble' are you forgetting about how I feel, doing something so filthy with dirt like you makes me sick."

Joshua's eye's widened at Vernon's harsh words, his heart felt like it was deeply sunken in his chest and his whole body felt numb. 

W-why is Vernon saying such mean things?

Joshua's eyes slowly moved up from Vernon's chest and met with the younger's, "W-why-"

He felt frozen, his body was cold, his neck felt knotted, his lips trembled and teeth chattered in his mouth. Joshua overcame with terror.

Vernon's eyes were dull and without emotion, they were so distant, unlike the comforting ones he normally wore. Just like the other day, for that split second they were so cold, and now they looked worst, they looked vile, like the devil was tearing away at his soul. 

"I-I'm sorry!" Joshua suddenly burst out crying, clenching Vernon on his shirt, his eyes bleeding of tears of fright, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't look at me like that, please don't speak so harshly to me, I don't want you to hate me!"

"A-anyone but you!" Joshua stuttered on his words, closing his eyes allowing his tear to flow freely from them, "I'll do anything... just please don't hate me."

"Anything?" Vernon mumbled quietly, his hand moved up Joshua's back as he placed it onto the back of his neck,  his thumb now brushing against the red scar around his peachy skin.

"Yes... anything, anything!" Joshua cried, as his eyes blinked open again and he locked stares with the taller.

Vernon's eyes suddenly went soft, and as soon as they did, Joshua's whole body began to calm down, his lips rested, his heartbeat gentled, his hands stop trembling. He felt warm. Vernon cured him in a matter of seconds, and all it took was a simple look.

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