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|Turtle Neck|

|Turtle Neck|

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"He was..."

"A good person, he was always by my side, he took care of me and told me everything would be okay. He said it would. He promised."


Vernon cranked the handle of the car door, pushing on it for it to open, only to be set back with the realization that he wouldn't be leaving the vehicle so soon.

"Vernon, we'll be back here right when your school finishes so be here on time okay?"

Vernon twisted his head around to the person so boldly ordering him around,  his eyes were wide and filled with no emotion, but to make it more convincing that he understood them, he gave them a wide smile, his eyes not showing a hint of change, just a smile to display false emotion, "I understand."

Then with an approving click, Vernon was out the car, and now walking into school ground, everyone's eyes now glued to him like a celebrity on the red carpet. Well why, wouldn't they be, Vernon had just jumped out of a jet-black car, that looked a little too expensive.


Vernon's eyes shifted to the side, to the person who was calling his name from the side of the entrance gate, and as soon as he saw who it was, he looked away not caring to speak to the person.


Vernon continued to ignore the desperate call and just kept walking down the front schoolyard.

"Please Vernon, just listen to me for once!"

Vernon stopped in his place finally, then slowly he turned to face, no one other than Joshua Hong, his former best friend, giving him all his undivided attention, also catching the nosy eyes of the people around them.

"V-Vernon I-I..."Joshua clenched his hands together, his head tilted down, his nerves taking over his body, now uncomfortable in the situation he put them in, not realizing these many people would tune in on their conversation.

Joshua glanced up to see how Vernon was taking this, and he felt himself get even smaller in that very moment. Vernon was looking at him as if he was the vilest thing he's ever seen in his life like he was pathetic, he looked at him without any feeling.

"C-can we t-talk in private..." Joshua asked, his eyes moving from Vernon's intimidating stare and looking around at everyone else's.

"Why can't you just talk here?" A different voice arose from the silence, making every fiber in his body felt like it was burning.

He turned his little head up and was faced with the infamous Kim Mingyu smiling at him from beside Vernon, his arm on his shoulder.

"I w-would rather us be a-alone," Joshua stated rubbing his arm, averting his gaze from the two.

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