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|First Encounter|

|First Encounter|

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"Oh, well he was a great guy, he was really smart and nice. Sometimes he seemed a bit off though, but that was apart of his charm."

_ First Day of School _

It was what Vernon described it as, a perfect day.

The sun was out and brightly shinning down on the surface of the boy's pale face. A soft breeze flew through the locks of his raven hair. A breeze that contrasted against the heat illuminated from the big star in the sky.

Today was definitely going to be an amazing day.

That was just an assumption though. Made by someone who had probably knew what today was.

The raven haired boy pushed his hands into the pockets of his jet black sweater as he made his way down the sidewalk.

Vernon's body came to a halt suddenly. It was strange to hear such noises in the morning. Even more strange to have ignored them.

A moment ago, Vernon passed by something. His eyes had not shifted to see, his head did not bother to look back. But his ears. Vernons ears were attracted to the sound. The loud sound of a certain person's voice.

The voice vibrated in the throat and trembled when it flew out from the lips. One could tell it was close to tears. Who ever it was, their pain was outstanding.

The voice was clearly male. The voice of a male who was being brutally beaten.

Beaten how? Well just the sound of it made Vernon wonder too, so he turned around with a kick off his heel and walked back to the scene placed down the alleyway beside a tattoo shop.


From the looks of it, it seemed like a little boy. There. Yes, the one with the bleach blonde hair. He was being beaten by a bunch of thugs.

Vernon squinted his eyes trying to get a better view of who it was ganging up on the boy, but it was hard to see because they were wearing caps, that reflected shadows upon their faces.

The kid looked bad, his face was already starting to bruise and there was a pinch of blood dripping down his small face.

"Cute..." Vernon mumbled looking off at the boy with gleaming eyes.

That was it, that was when the two locked eyes. Vernons eyes widened when the boy noticed him. The boys eyes went scary, he glared straight at Vernon.

Right then Vernon moved back and against the wall. His cheeks suddenly felt warm.

I was caught.

Vernon smiled to himself and without anymore thought he pushed his hand to the sides of his mouth for better volume then yelled, "Police, police over here there's someone being attacked!"

Just like that Vernon listened to the sound of the fence spring back and forth, and the hard thump of feet hitting the ground and running off.

Vernon giggled to himself then twirled around to look back into the alleyway. He was pleased to see that the boy was still there. Laid out on the cold ground. Fragile and weak.

"S-shit," The boy lifted himself up a bit, and his eyes searched around the ground. Probably looking for his school bag.

Vernon walked over to him and the boy out of reflex, flinched. Vernon snickered at the boys shocking movement.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," Vernon smiled and titled his head at the scared boy.

The boy felt more relaxed as he started to look around again, and Vernon leaned down to get a better look at his face, "Hey!"

The kids attention was caught by Vernon so quickly, which made Vernon laugh a little, "They took your bag, so stop looking around for it."

The blondie sighed and Vernon just stared at him, examining the cuts and bruises on his face.

"Stop looking at me like that," The boy snapped, "If you're done here then leave."

"Okay," Vernon said, he got up from the ground, and flipped his bag over his shoulder. He turned his head back to look at the boy again, "You should come too."

The boy looked up at Vernon like he was crazy, "What?"

"You should come with me, you don't want to walk to school alone do you?" Vernon asked.

"H-how do you know we go to the same school?" the kid asked with a frown, not recognizing Vernon from any of his classes.

"I don't know, I just think you should come with me," Vernon shrugged and turned around again, then pushed his hand out for him.

The blondie sighed and took his hand getting lifted up, "Alright whatever..."

Vernon smiled at him, and the kids cheeks became noticeably red, which was not the cause of the heat, because it was actually quite cold in the alleyway.

"Off we go!" Vernon said, he put his arm up as if he was a superhero and was about to fly off into the sky.

The two walked out of the alleyway and started to walk down the sidewalk together in silence.

Well not complete silence, since Vernon was whistling to himself for his own entertainment. The unknown boy on the other hand was quietly following beside.

Finally they reached the gate to the school, Vernon smiled toothy up at the big building in the distance, where kids were rushing to get in.

"Damn, well I guess that answers our question," the boy finally spoke looking into the schools grounds.

"Hm?" Vernon tilted his head, confused what he meant.

"We go to the same school," the boy shook his head and pushed the gate doors walking in.

"Awe," Vernon followed behind him, looking around at the people that stopped to stare at the two of them.

Vernon smiled to each and everyone of them, making them feel embarressed.

To say that Vernon was good looking was an understatement. He was very attractive in the exception that he had a very slim and dreadfully sharp facial structure.

When Vernon was not trying to show of his smile, he wore no expression on his face. He looked as though he was a walking corpse. His eyes droopy and without an ounce of light. His lips were always rested in a sorrowful line. He looked like he had witnessed his favourite thing wither and die.

"I hate this shit hole of a place," the blondie in front of him said, making his way up the stairs and into school.

Vernon chuckled at the boys words of irritation, which made the other turn around.

"Hey, how long are you going to follow me, don't you have to go to your locker or something, or maybe to a class?" He asked the same amount of irritation still lingering in his voice.

Vernon put his finger to his mouth and looked up, pretending to think then gave up looking back down at the angered kid, "I don't know, it's my first day."

"First..." The boy nodded and looked down the hallway, noticing that much of the students that were walking around him had scattered off, "Well pull out your timetable I'll bring you to your class-"


Vernon was gone.



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