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|Precious Boy|

MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING! Please be aware! If you are in a vulnerable place right now, there will be mentions of sexual, verbal or physical violence so please do not read further!  ⚠️

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MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING! Please be aware! If you are in a vulnerable place right now, there will be mentions of sexual, verbal or physical violence so please do not read further!  ⚠️


"It was hot. Like there were flames all around me... but I... I looked up at the sky, saw the clouds and in the smoke, I saw an angel."

"I... thought it was an angel..."

"And it wasn't my first time seeing it."

Seungcheol got off the bus, he swallowed the lump of stress that collected in his throat.

He looked forward and saw his old school. It didn't look the way it used to. It was brand new. As though the school itself wanted to wash clean of Seungcheol's filth.

Like it desired to destroy the last of the lingering evil that it once held in itself.

Seungcheol closed his eyes and he forced down his guilt and shame. The guilt of dirtying it. The shame of returning.

He only wished the shed that once rotted away at the side of it had fallen or been demolished completely. That every moment leading up to now was just some big fucked up episode of his, that he hadn't woken up from.

There was a time when he'd have those a lot. Find himself back here, his eyes bleeding, his skin itching, his body aching. Dirty all over.

He'd scrub his body over and over again until it bled. Until his skin began to rot and fall off his flesh. Until he was nothing but his insides.

The scar on his stomach was the worst. It would open like a mouth and pour his guts out all over the floor. It would speak to him. Call him bad. Tell him he deserved it.

Maybe he did.


He was a frail boy. That's the best way you could describe him. He was small, slim and jittery.

He wasn't very dedicated to school nor was he a troublemaker. He was just regular.

If it weren't for those pesky boys, he'd fade right into the background.

He carried lunch to school in a paper bag because his parents couldn't afford to give him money to go out like the other children or care to buy him flashy lunchboxes with star boys and super girls.

His school wasn't known to be too bad. It was just that some of the kids were a bit naughty and curious, but they'd straighten out as they got older. That's what the parents would say and the teachers would replicate it.

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