21. Wanderlust and a motorcycle? The guy's basically Karino Tadashi

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          "You passed that math exam?"

          "For the last time, yes Kyo-nii," I hissed through my teeth. I held my exam before his eyes. "See that mark? It's all due to the wonderful workings of my genius mind."

          And someone to help your sorry ass, my mind added. I brushed the notion aside. Hiro's tutoring did play its part but I was the one who brought this upon myself. My determination and conviction (and also the other overdone yadda Wannabe had kept rambling about).

         But most of all, it was because the annual anime convention today—Christmas Eve—was at stake. If I didn't pass, I knew for certain that if it wasn't Suzuki-sensei, Kyo would definitely chew me out. And I swear he was seconds away from going all Super Saiyan on me if I didn't pull out this midterm exam mark.

        Kyo's frown of distaste didn't waver the slightest as he eyed it up and down. "More like idiotic mind. Seventy-five points is terrible."

        "But it's still a pass," I pressed, quirking an eyebrow and daring him to tell me otherwise.

        He easily succumbed under my look and dropped my test onto the tabletop. He groaned. "It's still a pass."

         Stars filled my eyes and I threw my arms into the air. "Yes! Yes! Anime merchandise galore!"

        Kyo reached for his wallet and slipped out a couple of bills. "Then, as we agreed, instead of a gift I'll give you this money instead. But like I told you, don't waste this cash on useless purchases like that one creepy cat statue you keep on your dresser—"

         "Yes! More 'The "Hentai" Prince and the Stony Cat' merchandise!"

         His head dropped. "It's like I'm talking to a brick wall."

        I snorted at that one and swiped the cash from his hands. I swooped down and gave him a hug. Then I was clambering up the stairs to my bedroom, nearly slipping as I did.

        "Thanks, big bro! I'll get ready!"

        "Take care of yourself!" he called after me.

         Thinking of the many anime characters waiting for me at my destination and the extra income besides the money my brother had graced me with (my Thousand Sunny coin bank to be precise), I shut my door with a broad grin. Oh, they'd take care of me plenty.


Mangas, CD's, posters, seiyuu performances... Not to mention the amazing cosplays and atmosphere! Conventions were always so amazing to go to! Especially this yearly one I always planned for.

Maybe regular teenage girls would be fantasizing about their boyfriends or making plans with their friends, but even if I went alone the convention was a bundle of fun.

Not to mention, all the new anime merchandise I've bought were an asset also.

I dragged my feet through the bubbling city filled with the murmurs of carols and brightly gleaming lights and ornaments. The jingles of bells echoed with every sway of the wintry breeze, and even with the crunching of snow beneath my boots, I was too busy drooling over my cluster of merch I couldn't fit into my bag.

"So many bishounens and bishoujos... And a gorgeous poster of my favourite character from My Hero Academia!" I sighed dreamily, twirling around on the empty road as I ogled the Todoroki Shouto poster in my hands. "I can die happy~!"

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