Extra 1. The best of things are fleeting

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"May I ask why you decided to bring me here?"

I emitted a loud sigh, eying the fishing rod Wannabe had supplied me.

Beyond the wooden deck we stood on, the lake was vast. Waves lurched against the shore. The summer sun beamed from the clouds. Gentle wind caressed my skin.

Leaping out to obstruct my view, Wannabe extended his arms with dramatic flair. "Because it's a beautiful day, my dear underclassman!" A giddy grin stretched to his ears. "Besides, I've always wanted to go fishing with my friends."

"You're telling me you seriously wanted to go fishing?" I demanded as he attached bait to my rod and dragged me to sit by the water. "No wonder everyone else declined."

"I'll have you know everyone would've loved to come if they weren't busy!"

"Is that what they told you? If I tell you I'm busy too will you let me go back home?"

Wannabe had his cheeks puffed up. "No!" He gripped my hand. "You're staying with me! President's orders!"

My gaze flickered between his glistening eyes and his hand over mine and quickly, elsewhere. "We're not at school. I don't have to listen to you."

"Don't say that, Hoshino!" Wannabe whined. "Pretty please! If you leave I don't think I'll make it."

"Now, we wouldn't want that would we."

Cheeks puffed with air, he vigorously bobbed his head.

"Fine." I tugged the rod from him, ignoring how happy he'd grown at the simple gesture. "So?" I said to change the subject. "How'd you get this stuff ready anyway?"

"I know the person who owns this area. He said he'd let us have as much fun as we wanted for the afternoon."

"I see. Do you come here often?"

"I used to a lot with my father and Tatsuya back when he had more free time. Remembering those moments made me want to try going again someday." He laughed. "And since I have you with me, Hoshino, it'll be even better!"

"You're such an old man."

Wannabe recoiled. But, seeing me struggle with my line, he balanced his stick between his knees and leaned over.


He quickly, and rather thoroughly, explained what to do. Following his instructions, I threw the hook after aiming. However, it didn't end up in the water, but rather, got caught to him instead.



"What do you mean oh? You were aiming for me weren't you? How cruel!"

I laughed, catching Wannabe off guard. I'd made it clear I hadn't wanted connections with anybody for the longest time, but nowadays full-blown smiles spilled out of me so easily. Especially around these guys.

Always around them.

"I wasn't, I promise. I'll try to aim better this time," I assured him, snorting as I reeled in the line. Expelling a loud breath, I swung the stick with enough force to send the hook soaring over our heads and into the water below. Everything in my line of sight twinkled. I yanked his sleeve. "I did it, Wannabe! I got the damn bait in the water! Did you see that?"

Wannabe was too busy laughing to answer. Raising his own rod, he skillfully got it in on his first try. Both of us aimed our attention forward, at the tranquil surface of the water, the faraway ducks.

"All that's left is to wait."

"Seriously?" I slumped. "How long? At this rate I'll wither into an old man like you."

"Fine by me. We can grow old together."

"That sounds like an absolute nightmare."

Although I said that, a sliver of amusement turned my lips up higher.

The silence that lapsed over us was peaceful, following the gentle midday breeze.



His words took longer to get out than normal. "Um, as you know, our relationship has been moving quite steadily for a good few months or so. I've been thinking we should be ready to take the next step."

"Er," I said quickly, "I'm not going out with you."

Wannabe's reaction was priceless. "Th-tha... No! I was talking about you calling me by my real name!"

"Real name?" I paused, cocking my head towards him. "But I do, Wannabe."

"'Wannabe' is not my name!" he pressed, pouting. "It's Kazuya!"

A frown graced my lips. "You're being really forceful."

"I want to mean something to you," he said, firmly. "Not because I may look or act like some anime character. I want you to actually see me for who I am. I was afraid our friendship had only gone so smoothly because I was lenient with that nickname, so I didn't say anything, but if it is because of that... If you only would want to hang out with me because of that—"


"Yeah, like that. I just want you to call me Kazuya." Shock enveloped his facial features as he jerked his head. "Wait..."

Grinning, I squinted past the blinding rays of the sun to properly stare at him. "I'm not that shallow. And I sure as hell wouldn't be out here fishing with a guy I hated just because of a mere resemblance to an anime character, I'm sure."

"Really?" he demanded. "You honestly mean that?"

I pursed my lips. "You're still not convinced?"

Sighing, I returned my attention to my rod.

"That concern is stupid. Whether I call you Kazuya or Wannabe, you're still the Humanity Club president who's given me a headache since I joined." He could spot the redness seeping into my cheeks—that, I knew. "Now, stop acting so sentimental and let's talk about something else, Wannabe."

The surprise that hit him full force faded before long. In its place, vast warmth and awe swelled in his gaze as the topic switched to a recent request we'd received.




He wouldn't mention it. That he'd gained such a fancy for his underclassman.

The best of things were fleeting, after all.


Hey, guys! It's been a while.

I was really missing this story lately and when going through my drafts found a couple of scenes I never posted.

This is a bittersweet one I particularly liked. The idea of Kazuya liking Miyuki but never telling her is something he'd so do. He's such a selfless guy. In order to keep fooling around with the Humanity Club members he cherishes, he'd be willing to sacrifice his feelings in a heartbeat;; What an upperclassman, am I right?

I also found another chapter that was supposed to be in the original storyline but never ended up happening because it felt too filler-y. I think I'll post it too (it's a Miyuki, Hiro, and Kouichi chapter fyi, explaining what happened with Suzuki-sensei because she kinda was absent in the last half of the book—)

I hope you guys are all doing okay, by the way!

See you in the next extra! <3


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