20-2. Is she what you call a 'tsundere?'

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    Sunday, December 10th at 3PM sharp, we entered one of the largest cooking facilities in the city.

     Wannabe, using his family's connections, had somehow managed to rally up well-known judges, and a kitchen large enough to suit Hiro and Rack's needs. He even arrived in front of my house this afternoon in a BMW to boot, where the rest of them were already gathered.

     I kept forgetting he was the son of the Hayashi Group boss; a company that owned or were involved in just about every single market or business you could think of across Japan, including the Seisein Academy school board. No wonder Yuji had said Wannabe would easily manage to do this.

     He had status too. A Tamaki-wannabe through and through wasn't he?

     "We're seriously here to save our club," Hiro had grumbled as we fluttered through the fancy halls. "And yet you guys are acting like we're on some kind of field trip!"

     "Wow, it's a painting of food!" I cried, extending my finger towards the wall above us.

     Accordingly, Saki, Wannabe and Yuji dramatically craned their heads in its direction, gasping with their mouths parted.

      "That's such a sophisticating looking burger," Yuji noted.

      "This is so exciting," giggled Saki, her hold on my arm not loosening the slightest despite my relentless tugs for liberation. "Right, Mi-chan?"

      "I've been here multiple times since I was a kid," Wannabe said, grinning from ear to ear as he gestured us forward. "There's this amazing painting of a ketchup bottle around the corner."

      "Ketchup bottle?" I echoed, scrunching my eyebrows together. I had a lot of questions as to how something like that could be 'amazing,' but shrugged it aside and instead fixed my gaze onto the next painting of napkins. Why was I so surprised anyway? This was Wannabe I was talking about; obviously he'd be swayed by odd things like that.

      If only Hinata were here. If he hadn't already made plans to go to the art gallery with his upperclassmen from the art club he probably would've enjoyed these distinct paintings.


       Hiro's shout snatched our focus. We pivoted to find him standing ahead, huffing and puffing with his face as red as a tomato.

       "We have no time to be slacking like this! Act properly!"

"Oh look, they even have a chocolate fountain!"

Yuji gained a sparkle in his eye as he approached the thing, where a bunch of workers were catering various platters of in their hands. I was on his heels in pursuit, twinkling at the mouthwatering ripples of white tipping over and pooling out into the bowl below.

"White chocolate?" I drooled.

The worker to the left of us offered us a smile and extended his platter of fruit. Yuji and I didn't hesitate to reach for it.

We chorused, "Thank you—"

Before our fingers could even touch the fruits, we were yanked backwards.

"Hey!" Hiro bellowed. "How many times do I have to tell you two we don't have time for this?"

I sourly pressed my lips together, similarly as did Yuji.

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