Extra 2. Complete Sebastian and Ciel vibes

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Like I said in the previous extra, I really wanted to include this in the canon part of the book but it didn't feel like it belonged & was slowing down the pace. But I really love this chapter so here I am posting it now. This takes place between chapter 47 and 48 and explains a bit more about Suzuki-sensei since she kinda stopped being mentioned (for good reason too, lol). Plus it centres around Miyuki, Hiro and Kouichi. Such an unusual combination but fun to read nonetheless.

Anyway, do enjoy!! <3



"What do you think of this?"

I reeled my attention away from the array of teddy bears on the shelf ahead of me and towards the owner of the voice.

"Are you trying to buy a gift for your sister or kill her?" Hiro bluntly demanded before I could have the opportunity to speak.

I nodded, eyeing the Lego dollhouse. "Everyone knows babies can't be around these kinds of things because they'll try to eat it and choke."

Kouichi's eyes widened from behind his glasses. He peered downwards, studying the box. "I see... You're very well-versed in these matters, Hiro-san, Hoshino-san."

I sighed, brushing back my bangs. It was still difficult to get used to its short length. "Well, I did grow up taking care of my younger siblings," I excused.

Kouichi glanced Hiro's way, as did I.

"I don't need to have experience with babies to know Legos are bad news," he defended.

The looks we were giving him still worked to make him uncomfortable.

"Wow. So even the top student in our grade has a soft spot for infants," Kouichi drawled.

Although he hadn't meant for it to come off as sarcastic, I snorted anyway, "It doesn't suit him."


Kouichi cracked an apologetic smile alongside me. A frown took the form of Hiro's lips as a result. Unlike always, he wore a beanie instead of his usual baseball cap. Understandably, as it was fairly early into the new year and the temperature was still relatively low. Even in my coat and turtleneck, I was doing my best to fight the cold. Kouichi was dressed equally warm as well, his keepsake camera hung around his neck. He'd never left without it.

"Not to be rude or anything," I said, shifting my focus from scanning the shopping centre we were in towards Kouichi, "I can understand why you invited me, but why did you decide to drag Hiro here of all people?"

"That was definitely rude," Hiro remarked.

Smiling, I pressed my hands together to prove I didn't mean any harm.

"I already told you," Kouichi replied. "My sister's first birthday is coming up and since my parents are busy working, they told me to go shopping for a present for her instead."

"I know that much." I waved it off. "I'm asking why you didn't take anyone else. Wouldn't Saki have been a better choice?"

"Saki?" Hiro reiterated in disbelief.

Kouichi bobbed his head. "Yamamoto-san... has no experience with babies. Yuji-san made sure to warn me before I could ask her."

I placed a finger to my chin. Picturing Saki doing any means of babysitting was extremely difficult. I guess I should have expected that, like her cooking, it wouldn't end well.

"Speaking of Yuji-san, he told me his parents were taking him to a ski and snowboard resort for the rest of the break and thus couldn't help out." Kouichi counted down his fingers. "Kazuya-san is busy studying for his university entrance exams so I didn't want to bother him. Hinata-san is visiting his grandparents. Oh, and Hibiki-san is busy babysitting his siblings."

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