9. You didn't even eat a Devil Fruit so there's no reason why you can't swim

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Something I'd come to learn in the meagre years I'd been watching anime for is that sports in animes were way more complicated in real life than what they made them seem.

"Yay!" Saki cheered, holding out her hands for a high five from Tatsuya and Wannabe.

"I can't believe we lost!" Hiro groaned. "And to Kazuya's brother scoring the last point too!"

Hinata forced a laugh, trying to stay as positive as he always was. "It's fine. It was just by a few points."

"No, d-don't say it," I cried, on my hands and knees. "You're lying! Please tell me I'm hearing things! There's no way I'm wasting my allowance on other people!"

Hinata and Hiro's eyes darted my way. Hinata breathed out, crouching down in front of me.

"Hoshino, it's okay," he said. "You lose sometimes."

"Lose?" I repeated with a whimper. "How even... Honestly I blanked out after that spike I made."

Hinata made a face. "The one where you missed the ball and tripped?"

"No, the good one."

"You slipped right after the good one and fell on your face," Hinata reminded me.

I held up a finger. "Yes that. After my celebration. I blanked out after that." I frowned. "Wait, then you and Hiro made us lose?"

"Hey don't say that after you did absolutely nothing," Hiro grumbled.

I opened my mouth to retort but closed it. They were right... "Ugh, this is like the time in gym class when I tried imitating the Generation of Miracles and sprained my ankle," I grumbled.

Saki snapping her fingers in my face woke me up from my depressive recollection.

"Hurry and get our drinks!" she ordered with a wide grin. I glowered in her direction.

In defeat, I rose to my feet. The smile coming from Tatsuya's in that moment was sly — something I expected. I then hissed at the look-alike beside him.

Wannabe flinched and sweatdropped. "H-Hoshino...?"

I clicked my tongue.

I was even doing errands for this Wannabe. Great.


After arriving at the vending machine, the three of us contributed all the money we had, which wasn't much. Hinata started pushing buttons on the machine, getting the drinks they asked for. Wannabe and Tatsuya were a little confused when we asked what they wanted so we improvised. Nothing less to expect from boys from a top-class family.

Not before long, we gathered up our drinks and set out back to the beach. While we were walking, I wanted my drink so I reached out my hand past Hiro to pull out my drink from the bag Hinata held. The three of us had no choice to stop as I fiddled with the bag, and Hiro snapped before long.

"Hey, at least wait until we get there!"

I retreated my hand as I clasped my drink. Opening the can, I scoffed, "Don't be such a baby. Why does it even matter if I take it now or not anyways?"

"'Cause you didn't just 'take it'," he responded, using his fingers for emphasis. "You wasted so much time making us stop when you could've asked Hinata to pass it to you instead."

"I could've," I agreed. "But I didn't. Look, I already got my drink this way so stop complaining."

Hiro twitched. "I'm not complaining, I'm just saying—"

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