15. My very own Artista

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It was chaos.


Hiro, Saki, Yuji—even me—were shocked beyond compare at the sheet Hinata had handed to an equally jaw-fallen Wannabe before his dreaded proclamation.

"Hinata?" demanded Hiro, incredulity sifting upon his features. "Where's this coming from?"

"What's going on, Hinata?" Saki agreed, tears swelling in her eyes. "You just said you were going to need a little break—"

"This break has to be permanent," Hinata said brusquely. For the first time ever, Hinata was nowhere close to smiling, or happy. Solemnity was etched onto every portion of his face, only proving this all true. His eyes met Wannabe's, lips curving down further. "I apologize for the short notice, but as of today I'll officially be leaving the Humanity Club."

The silence that lingered was unexpectedly heavy and cruel. Hauling myself upright on the sofa I usually laid on, I plucked an earbud out of my ear and directed my attention on what was unfolding. It seemed like the premonition I felt had been right. Still, a decision like this was the last thing I'd imagine to come from Hinata's mouth.

From what I knew, Hinata was just as attached to this club, just as close to these members, as Luffy was to meat. A pretty bold comparison, I agree, but that was just what it was. Comprehending that easygoing, lighthearted Hinata appeared so pessimistic as he uttered these words probably hit them a whole lot harder than I could imagine.

"Since when were you planning on doing this?" This time it was Yuji's turn to press, eyebrows scrunched together. "It's only been half a year and you're already bailing on us?"

Hinata impassively looked his way. Before he could speak, Saki grasped his shoulders, shaking him vehemently.

"Did Suzuki-sensei give you this slip?" she demanded. "Did you already talk to her about this? Why didn't you tell us? Hina—"

"It's not that big of a deal," Hinata's voice barely surpassed a whisper. Saki lurched away from him with widened eyes. Though stiff from his actions, Hinata pressed his lips together. "This club was a good pastime," he said. "Besides, it's because I decided to be its fifth member this club was allowed to become instated in the school. Since you have Hoshino now you don't need me, right?"

"Hinata, that's BS and you know it," Hiro interjected, grounding his teeth. "Why are you doing this?"

Hinata was growing more and more uncomfortable by the second. He shrank away from him, quivering like a leaf. "I—"

"Are you joining another club?"

All means of attention shifted towards me, as if everyone had just realized I was there. My intensity on Hinata didn't falter, but he did the slightest under it, and soon he gave in with the slump of his shoulders.

"The Art Club," he answered, almost reluctantly.

"The Art Club?" Hiro reiterated. "You're leaving us to join the—"

Wannabe stopped Hiro with a hand. You couldn't spot nonchalance from the guy a mile away either. "You thought about this seriously didn't you?"

Hinata stared and him and despite the gazes from the others as if pleading he didn't, he bobbed his head. "Sorry, Kazuya."

"Then I won't stop you," Wannabe said. There was a crack on his countenance, revealing a smile as he wrung his arm around his neck. "Cheer up, Hinata! I must've pressured you to join the club in the beginning of the year and because you wanted to help me, you joined. Sorry if I got in the way of your original goals."

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