12. Even characters in anime openings can run faster than that...

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If idiots grew on trees, this place would be an orchard.

"He can't do it! Yes!"

"Shh, don't jinx it!"

"It's gonna fall... Yes, it's falling! It's falling! Falling... Wait—!"

"Did it just—"

"—It stabilized itself! It's balanced again! Ugh, the lucky little..."

"Just a few more to go!"

"Can you guys please be quiet?" I shouted, burying my face into the sofa. Why were they so loud? The hellhole called school just resumed today and yet they had this much energy... All I wanted was to sleep and be the lazy couch potato I always was, but with their yelling, relaxing—let alone sleeping—was impossible.

"Miyuki, come join us!"

I recognized the voice as Yuji's but I got up to glare at them in response. Even though he had called out to me, he was immersed in the game of Jenga they were playing. I sighed at the sight of all their undivided focus towards the game.

Seriously, who even played the game nowadays?

"I'm not joining you idiots," I responded, resting my chin on my palm. "This club is so boring. Can I go home yet?"

"We haven't gotten a request in ages," murmured Hiro in reply, "It's not a surprise we're bored."

He was focused on taking out a block as it was his turn, but as soon as the sentence left his mouth, the entire stack of blocks collapsed, scattering across the floor.

"Oh, it fell," Wannabe said.

"Hiro loses!" Yuji declared.

"Thank goodness..." Hinata breathed. "It was my turn next..."

"Wow, tell us, Hiro-kun, how exactly does that defeat taste?" Saki snorted, holding out her fist towards his mouth and pretending it was a microphone.

Hiro had gotten redder and redder in embarrassment at their passing remarks. "Hoshino!?" he shouted, wearing an accusing glare aimed in my direction.

I gasped at that. "Hey, I didn't tell you to talk to me."

Hiro flinched. "B-but it was because of you—"

"Stop being such a baby and accept the loss," I shot, childishly sticking out my tongue at him.

"Yeah, Hiro," Yuji echoed, "Stop being such a poor sport and accept that miserable loss like a man."

"Shut up, Yuji!" Hiro barked at him.

"Take the L like a man, Hiro!" Saki chirped.

Hiro's neck jerked her way so fast you'd think it'd snap. "Saki, you—"

"Guys, it's just a game," Hinata interjected. "Calm down."

Hiro tried refuting at that but eventually subdued as Hinata's attitude allowed that. Watching this all unfold, I was left bitter as a result. I had paused my episode of Re:Zero just to listen to this bickering?

I'd been hanging around these people too long, I was losing my sense of rationality. I glanced down at my shut off phone. Let alone watch anime, I haven't even read much manga despite easily finding the time to do so earlier in my life. I was getting too absorbed in reality...

I frowned at myself. Dammit. Reality is something I shouldn't be focusing on, not the other way around. Where was a genjutsu when you needed it...

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