46. Fangirls can't live without things to ship

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"Rise and shine grumpy-pants!"

Hiro who stood at the entrance of his house with half-lidded eyelids covered his mouth with a yawn. Squinting without a care for his elaborate pyjamas and wild hair, he lazily tilted his head to the side. "Am I dreaming?"

"No, sir," I responded, grinning from ear to ear.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, voice unusually low and groggy. "It's not even noon, Hoshino. If you're here because Yuji put you up to somethi—"

A loud pop caused Hiro to flinch. I retreated the extravagant party popper I had tucked in my fingers, laughing as some of the confetti fell and landed into his hair. Wide-eyed now, Hiro's mouth hung wordlessly. I bit my lower lip and extended out my hands.

"Happy birthday!"

It took a good while for him to move and save me from the awkwardness closing in on us. "Who..."

"Let's worry about who told me later," I said, unable to wipe away my smile. "I've also been notified that you don't do much for your birthday every year except watch a movie or two. But we can change that. Today shall be ours to have as much fun as seventeen year old's should."

I slipped the popper into my pocket and ran my fingers through my hair, brushing aside my short bangs and having my hair fall properly on my shoulders.

"Our first order of business begins at twelve," I said, beckoning him on. "You should probably get dressed."

I continued to gesture for him to go but Hiro wouldn't budge from his place. More like, he couldn't get himself to. Dazzled, he raked me over, openmouthed for a good while. I swallowed back the bashfulness creeping up on me to make eye-contact.

"Um, I kinda came all the way out here... and it would be extremely embarrassing if you suddenly tell me it's not your birthday... or that you're actually busy..."

Hiro thankfully chose that moment to snap out of his trance. "N-no it is," he stammered, bumbling for words. "But what the..."

I rose a brow and he retreated a step.

"I'll just get changed real quick. I-I guess?" He messed his hair in newfound frustration. "Ugh, sorry. Why do I feel I'm sounding so much like a girl right now?"

A proper smile graced my lips. "Aren't you gonna invite me in?" I feigned a shiver, gripping my arms. "It's kinda cold out here."

He stumbled back, pushing open the door all the way. "Make yourself comfortable."

"Aye, aye." As I stepped through the doorway, embracing the warmth that came with it, I watched him shut the door after us. "Where're your parents?" I asked. "Haruna and Asao?"

"Haruna and Asao went home for the holidays and won't be back until after New Years," he replied. "And my parents had to catch a flight to Tokyo to meet with other business partners."

"The day before Christmas?"

He offered me a one-shouldered shrug. "They're busy people." He paused. "What about your family?"

"We usually do stuff on the 25th," I said.

My focus landed onto his messy bed hair stuck out in all places. Even his striped pyjamas... Were those tiny teddy bears decorating them?

Hiro, catching what I was staring at, had a huge blush blossom across his cheeks. "This is— My mom bought me these for me and said she wouldn't leave for Tokyo unless I put them on—"

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