37. I created a monster

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          "Hold on, have you seen him?"

          "Have I? He's so badass and hot!"

          "Ah, he's perfect!~"

          Hibiki paid me a glance. "Look, Miyuki. All these girls are making passes at me. Isn't it making you jealous?"

I rolled my eyes as we shuffled through the bustling hallways. Hibiki made a face.

"Aren't you even a teeny bit green from envy?"

"More like red from annoyance."

Sighing, I glared at the crowd that wasn't moving an inch. The bundle of fan-girlish screams continued on, though, they definitely weren't aimed in our direction. Despite knowing that, I didn't want to notify Hibiki that he had the wrong idea. It would deeply affect his ego and I wasn't too sure I wanted to deal with one of his emotional breakdowns.

"He's so swoon-worthy~!"

Passing girls were still dreamily gushing over this random specimen.

"Hinata-kun is so perfect!~"

This time, I perked. I craned my neck the same time Hibiki did, fluttering my eyelashes in confusion.

"They got the name wrong," Hibiki assured me, brushing it aside with a smile. He held up his hand. "It's Hibiki," he called out to the girls.

The two honestly sent him a puzzled, and somewhat freaked out stare before sauntering off a good distance away. I resisted the urge to snort, but it soon got caught in my throat when I once again came to terms with just how hopeless this crowd was shaping up to be. It wasn't moving at all. I made a face from displeasure.

"We should go another route if we want to get to the cafeteria," I told Hibiki, already pivoting on my foot. "Preferably before lunch ends."

Hibiki reluctantly pursued me and we returned to the more vacant part of the building before long.

"So just so I make this clear," Hibiki said. "Not even a tiny bit of jealousy? You were completely fine with them fawning over me?"

"Yup," I responded. Even though they weren't fawning over you.



Hibiki sighed, stuffing his hands into his pockets. Then, he smiled. "Well, it's cool. I'm not really a fan of clingy girls anyway."

"Hibiki." His ramblings halted as I outstretched my hand to the poster hung on the announcement board beside us. "That Music Festival is today after school, right?"

"Yup," he replied, joining me in taking in the flashy colours of the poster. "You better be there."

"Is that because you want to tell me something important?"

Hibiki jolted, his confidence flying away to zilch.

Puzzled, I tilted my head towards him. Hibiki met my eyes for a brief moment and despite the difficulty of him paling due to the brown pigment of his skin, he appeared as uncomfortable anyway.

"Well," he said.

"You told me the other day," I prodded. "To 'look forward to it.'"

Hibiki was losing his cool faster and faster. "That... Yeah. Yeah."

My eyebrows scrunched together. Why was he so awkward all of a sudden?

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