14. I believe I'm a one-eyed ghoul who drinks coffee

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"You want me... to dress up for Halloween?"

"Before you disagree to this, Hoshino, let me just inform you that our club has been requested to hand out these flyers throughout the school," Tamaki-wannabe reasoned, holding out the said flyer and beckoning for me to look at one. "The fact that all club members must wear costumes was apart of the offer, so you can't say no."

"Wait, we all have to wear costumes? And for what exactly?" Yuji butt in, holding up a hand and blinking rapidly. "Why was I not informed of this?"

"It was a last minute decision," Hiro responded. "Apparently Seisein gets really hyped around Halloween time every year. They incorporate the holiday into the Cultural Festival so instead of a happy-go-lucky event like every other school Seisein morphs it into this dark and eerie kind of thing."

"Well," continued Wannabe, "it's still mandatory to assist our own classes with their projects, but our club also has to do this on the side since the original people doing it will be too busy."

"I've heard from our upperclassmen that it's the most enjoyable event of the year!" Saki cried, her fists raised. "Right, Kazuya? You're in your second year so you should know!"

The said guy promptly stiffened, his complexion losing colour quick. "Enjoyable... Um, the term may not be the right one to describe it exactly...."

Hiro, Saki and Yuji turned towards him at once.

"Someone's looking a little afraid," Yuji drawled with a smirk.

"Wh-what's there to be afraid about?" stammered Wannabe in defence. He darted his eyes left and right and shuddered before ducking behind the couch. His mop of blond hair soon poked out, his mouth quivering. "Besides ghosts and monsters and killer clowns? I-I mean—"

Saki erupted into a barking laugh and extended out her finger in disbelief. "Oh jeez, you are scared!"

"N-no, I'm not! That would be extremely childlike for someone of my status—"


Wannabe toppled onto the floor with a shriek. Yuji who had stealthily crept up behind him erupted into a howl of laughter, gripping his stomach in amusement.

"Sorry, sorry," he gasped when Wannabe hoisted his body upright. "But wow, you scream like a girl, Kazu! Definitely a worthy scream for someone of your status!"

As even Saki joined in on the matter of this hilarity, Hiro drew his gaze away from them and settled his focus to me. I caught his staring from the corner of my eye but I was still studying the final details of the flyer Wannabe had given to me.

"So, Hoshino?" he asked. "You haven't said anything yet. You doing it or not?"

"Do you have to ask?" Yuji inquired after helping a pouty Wannabe to his feet. All focus was back in my direction. "Clearly she's going to refuse like always."

Saki tackled me, snatching up my hands in hers and staring at me with her huge brown eyes. "Oh c'mon, Mi-chan! We can even wear matching costumes! It'll be a blast!"

I finally pried my eyes up from the sheet. "Then... let's match with anime cosplays."

I should've expected their reactions, honestly. But it was still extremely difficult to withhold the urge to snap when all of them had gone jaw-dropped—gawking at me as if they had seen a monster of some sort—for more than a minute too, might I add.

I gritted my teeth. "What?" I growled.

Slowly, one of them—Saki—had broken out into a laugh loud enough to fill the silence. Then, she spoke: "Oh, did we just mishear you, Mi-chan? I could've sworn you said you'd match with me."

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