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Explaining to my dad why Chelsea couldn't give me a ride this morning was hard enough. Now I have to drive with him again. These last couple of weeks the tension between my parents and I has been intense. I think we're all just walking around and doing our own thing. They haven't said any more about Landon. I guess they think that I'm not seeing him anymore. I'm glad that Landon and I still find the time together but there's still this gut feeling in my stomach about all of this. After just three months I feel like my whole life has turned upside down. I used to like going to school and meeting with my friends. My parents trusted me. And I sure didn't sit alone in the ladies' room to eat lunch every day.

Which I'm doing right now. I unwrap my sandwich and eat, making sure that I won't spill any food on myself. I hold my water bottle between my legs and use both hands to eat. I hear some girls come and go out of the room. They're laughing and chatting about normal teenage stuff. Who kissed who at the last party? Who cheated on their last test in bio? Who invited who to prom?

I can't help but wonder if Landon would ever take me to my prom. He definitely wouldn't be allowed to come and pick me up and give me a corsage and take pictures with me at my house, like every other girl's dream. Just the thought of that makes me kind of sad. Of course, I love him but I kind of feel I will be missing out on a lot of this thing with Chelsea, and Garret continues. It's not like I can just start making new friends. Well, I could, but I would rather have things sorted out with Chelsea and Garret. And from the way Landon acted the other night, I doubt that he'll ever really introduce me to his friends. So for now, it's just me and myself, eating my lunch on a toilet seat while people do their business right next to me. I will survive. Hopefully.

After eating my sandwich, I throw the paper from it in the toilet and get out to wash my hands. I look at myself in the mirror. Luckily, my cheek doesn't have a bruise from Landon's hand the other night. It was only a little red this morning. Thank God, for foundation. I caress my cheek with my right hand and think about it. Landon was really pissed for some reason and he wouldn't even tell me why. And his face when he realized what he just did. It almost broke my heart. He's been apologizing repeatedly in texts and I keep telling him not to worry about it. It was an accident.


I shoot Landon a text telling him I got home from school okay. He always loves when I text him that I'm home safe and sound. He's always worried about me and I love him for that.

 He's always worried about me and I love him for that

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I wait for a response. He's usually really quick to respond. After waiting for five minutes I decided to give it a rest and pull out my History book and start reading the pages Mr. Frances asked us to. Apparently, he thinks it's exciting to know about 'The American Dream' from George Washington's perspective. Who gives a rat's ass about what a dead man thought? Why can't we discuss themes from this century?

After a couple of hours, I check my phone. Still nothing from Landon.

 Still nothing from Landon

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