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The rest of the day mainly went by with mom doing Brandon's laundry and me and dad fixing up one last meal before saying goodbye to him. He had classes the next day, so he had to drive back to school last night. It's been so great to catch up with him. Mom made him promise to come home at least one more time before Thanksgiving.

Now it's Monday morning and I'm lying in bed, ignoring my alarm three times. After the fourth alarm buzz, I decided I better get up and get ready for school. I open my closet and pull out a long royal blue cardigan and a white top. I wear it with some black skinny jeans. I brush my hair and decide to wear it down today, not really in the mood to do anything about it other than use my flat iron. I quickly put on some mascara, so I don't look like a zombie.

As I gather my books for school, I take one last look in the mirror. I walk down the stairs and walk into the kitchen. I pour some cereal and milk into a bowl and eat. I hear someone else walking down the stairs. "Good morning, sweetheart." My mom says and grabs a cup of coffee. "What's up this week?" She asks.

"Not much. I might go to the game with Chelsea Friday night."

"Oh, is Garret playing?" She smiles at me. My parents worship two people besides their own children, Charlie and Garret. Unfortunately, Chelsea's not on that list. They think she's a bit messed up sometimes. But they still let me be friends with her.

"Yeah. It's the season's first game. There's going to be a pep rally and everything."

"Oh, that sounds fun. I bet he appreciates you being there."

"I think so too," I say, not in the mood to go any further there. I know what my mom's trying to do. "I've got to go. See you later."

"Bye sweetheart. Have a good day." She says before I head out.


I meet with Chelsea before class. We stand outside Mr. Francis' classroom. "So, Kylie asked me if we want a ride for the game Friday night," Chelsea says.

"Kylie? She was the girl sitting with Jeff at the diner, right?" I ask.

"Yeah. I know that she sounded a bit bitchy, judging Landon that night but I think she was just surprised. Like Garret was."

I nod. "Well, sure. That would be great."

"Oh, and she can drive us to the party afterward as well."

"What party?" I ask.

"Well, the party after the game. It's a tradition. We are going to celebrate. Even if they lose."

"I see. Well, maybe. Let's just see how it goes."

Chelsea's about t say something but closes her mouth again, looking a bit shocked behind my shoulder. I look confused at her and turn around. I find Landon standing behind me and staring at me. I swallow hard, not knowing what to say.

"Hey. Do you have a minute?" He asks me and puts his hands in his pockets.

"I'll save you a seat," Chelsea says to me and walks into the classroom.

I slowly turn around again and look a bit scared at Landon. Is he also going to yell at me? I hold my books close to me and look down.

"Look, what you saw yesterday..." he starts.

"I didn't see anything!" I interrupt. I keep my eyes on the ground.

"Shelby, I know you saw us. It's not what you think."

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