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22. Every day I count 22 marks on my ceiling. Lying in bed and counting marks on my ceiling, slowly losing myself from day to day, is the high point of my daily routine.

Besides looking at my wall with a picture of me and Shelby I printed out when we were dating. She's smiling at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. The only thing that keeps me breathing these days.

I run my hands down my face and exhale. How did I get myself into this fucking situation? As if my life wasn't already fucked up.

Toby bursts into my room. "Hey, dude. You're coming or what?" He studies me.

"Fuck, will you knock?" But I don't move. I look back at the picture.

Toby follows my look and laughs. "You know, we've been doing this for years. Moving from town to town. New chicks for you every time. Why is this one so fucking precious?"

That gets my attention. "Hey! Shut up about her!"

"Was it because she was a virgin?" He's testing me. Trying to push my buttons to get me out of bed.

My face starts to burn. He should really shut up right now. "Get out."

But Toby doesn't move. Unlike Ethan, Toby isn't a pussy.

"Get over her already! We need you. We made a deal. Flash already knows about her. Flash will..."

"Fuck Flash! And fuck you!" I get up and smack his chest so he stumbles backward. But Toby isn't affected by it at once. He gets right up in my face.

"Watch it!" Toby yells. "You wouldn't even be here if it weren't for me. You would still be with those so-called foster parents of yours if I hadn't gotten you on board." He shakes his head.

"Maybe that would have been the best for me," I snap back.

"Do you have any idea how much it took for me to get you on board with Flash? He's already pissed about you screwing up with some girl. He ain't gonna be happy when he hears that you're backing out". Our argument starts drawing attention from Nat and Ethan, who both come up the stairs.

Great! More company.

"Relax, dude. I'm not backing out. I'm just not in the mood for anything right now." I lie back on my bed. It feels like I'm walking with the biggest hangover, and I haven't even had a beer for days now.

"What's going on?" Ethan asks, looking at both of us.

"Nothing! Get out!" I try to slam the door, but Toby pushes it back wide open and steps in.

"Landon, we're all busting our asses off here to..."

"Busting your asses off? For what? Some cash? Give me a fucking break," I snap back at him.

"We were doing just fine. And then you get yourself all wiled up with that bitch of a girlfriend..."

I don't let him finish talking. My fist connects with Toby's face and he lands on his back.

"What the fuck, man!" He starts getting up but I grab his shirt and push him back down.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that again, you hear me?" I yell in his face. "I will fucking kill you!"

"Hayley was the one who snitched to Flash. But you already showed her her lesson, right?" Toby yells. He wrenches his body out of my grip and pushes me backward while he gets back up. "Do it! Come on, Landon! Do it!" He smirks at me. "Be the tough guy you always make people think you are. Like you did to Hayley."

"Seriously, guys. Grow the fuck up," Nat says and walks into her room. Ethan just looks like he doesn't know which side to choose.

"You know what? I'm done here," I walk away and open my cupboard to find my bag.

"What the hell are you doing, Landon?" Ethan asks. "Y-You can't leave. Flash is..."

I throw some clothes in the bag. "I don't care," I continue packing. I turn around to see them. I grab the picture from the wall and put it in my pocket. After I've placed enough clothes to survive for a couple of weeks, I brush past them to the hallway.

"Flash is gonna find you. And not just you," Toby warns me. I know who he's talking about. And I'm not going to let that happen.

I don't turn around. I just walk out the door.


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