The battle

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No one's POV

Standing on there pack land he watched as this Alphas and betas arrived of each respected pack.

Martha and Sally of the silver wing pack walked forward in there wolf form.

Bello and Rick both came from the woods in there wolf form as well.

But of them were brown wolves.

Shortly after Texas came in his wolf form, he was a big Black and grey wolf.

"Why did you call this meeting," Rick asked Dallas.

"It was urgent a big threat is out there," Dallas said.

I explained every thing to them, that I knew so far.

"The enemy hasn't made a move as yet, what do you suggest we do," Martha said.

"We should attack their hide out and wipe them out," Dallas stated.

"You said you have an informant from the enemies camp are you sure they can be trusted," Sally asked.

"My mate tested him, he can be trusted," Dallas informed everyone.

"Why don't we give her what she wants," Bello says.

"That's my son your talking about," Dallas growled at him.

"We won't give them anything, will launch an a sneak attack," Rick says.

"We don't have wolves to spare, most wolves are untrained for battle and those that are can't leave the pack due to the rogue camp situation," Martha reminds everyone.

The packs were already on edge because of rogues and if she join them things would only get worst.

"I've already called for help they should be here shortly," Dallas explains to everyone

Each pack decided to send a powerful wolf and several hunter wolves to take out the enemy.

"Texas I'll go," Dallas informs his uncle. "Okay Dally I'll be here and keep and eye on the kids. Texas replys.

"I would love to go with you but I'm with pup," Martha says. "Congrats," everyone chips in and say.

"Yeah its Cindy's and my first pup and I don't want to harm it so I'll be sitting this one out Sally has agreed to take part," Martha says.

"I will lead my wolves in the attack," said Rick "Alpha with all do respect our pack can't afford anything to happen to you, let me go in your place," Bello pleaded with him.

"Bello you'll stay here and guard the pack and that's final," Rick says.

Dallas POV

The plan was simple Raynar was going to take Lamar as hostage and we would follow them.

Four days later we set out to out to the enemies camp.

I was leading my pack wolves tracking there scent, Sally and Rick were leading there wolves to the enemy hide out as well.

We move north, the area was surrounded by rogues. Splitting up we each attack there camp.

Each leader branches off and we broke through the enemy's defence.

Lamar's POV

I was currently tied up in ropes and being carried by Raynar.

He moved at super human speeds with me in his arms, we arrive to their camp.

There were hundred of rogues litter all over the place he took me.

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